Minecraft jungle temple seed list 1.6.4 (videos)
This is the best Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed list around.
A quick overview of the page
This is the best jungle temple seed compilation anywhere on the web. I've searched all over for jungle temples just to bring you 10 great ones all in one place for your viewing pleasure.
Try them out before you buy them, you can watch 1-3 minute video tutorials of each seed with a short description above as well. Once you're done checking them you can go try out your favorites and have a blast.
Thanks for stopping by, if you have any input feel free to say so at the bottom of this page in the "comments" section. Have fun reading!
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #1: 1506956893
On this Jungle temple seed you can find a temple directly next to the spawn within 25 blocks. Inside are 2 diamonds 14 gold, and an Iron block. The temples placement is nice for building around, and It's part of a pretty fun jungle.
Overall this is a pretty darn good Jungle temple seed.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #1 - 2 diamond temple with 14 gold.
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #2: 123369998877440
This is probably actually the best Minecraft temple seed because it has 3 diamonds. I don't know if there are any caverns with obsidian nearby, but I'm sure you could find one.
Or if you prefer you could make an iron axe to chop down the jungle, or 3 diamond shovels, basically whatever you think is best. This is such a great jungle temple seed if you like them, it's probably exactly what everyone's looking for.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #2 - 3 diamonds! perfect for a pickaxe!
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #3: 1501881007
This is an awesome temple seed with golden horse armor, 11 iron, and 2 gold. I like this temple, it should be almost exactly what you're looking for.
If you don't like it, check out number 4 to see if you like that one.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #3 - golden horse armor, iron, and gold
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #4: 946852072
This jungle temple seed has iron horse armor, gold, and a lot of bones. It's also located in a pretty cool little corner of the brush.
If you don't like this one, move on to the next, there's plenty more to see.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #4 - Iron horse armor and gold
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #5: 863537345
This temple seed only has iron horse armor, and a lot of bones and flesh. There's nothing special to find in this one, but if you like the location and surroundings then this might just be the jungle temple seed for you.
If you don't like it, scroll on to the next one to see if you like it.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #5 - iron horse armor, bones, and flesh
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #6: 409507308
This temple seed has saddles, gold, and iron. I'm not sure if there are any horses nearby, but the two saddles that come in the temple could come in handy if you can find any.
The iron and golds cool, but not as great as finding diamonds or something. If you don't like this seed try the next, maybe it will tickle your fancy.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #6 - saddles, iron, and gold
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #7: 1536344898
This awesome seed has diamond horse armor, which is awesome if you can find a horse anywhere nearby.
Overall this is a pretty cool jungle temple, including it's placement. It's just another one for you to try out. If you don't like it, check out number 3 and on, there's gotta be something on this list that you'll really like.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #7 - Diamond horse armor in a cool temple
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #8: 1202179165
This seed has 11 gold and a saddle in the jungle temple. It's a pretty average generic temple if you ask me. The nicest thing about this one is that you spawn right beside it, which is always nice. Getting lost on the way to the temple is annoying, especially with how easy that can be in a jungle.
If you don't like this one, check out the next one, there's still a few more to watch!
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #8 - gold filled temple with a dungeon nearby
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #9: -2221598847065283123
This awesome temple seed has 6 gold and 4 iron. It's a pretty good start to jungle temple-ing. It's also in a pretty cool location, and the best part is that you spawn right beside it. There's also plenty of sand if you need it for anything.
If you don't like this jungle temple seed, there's also one more seed to check out below, so keep going, you're almost done!
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #9 - Spawn at temple with 6 gold and 4 iron
Minecraft 1.6.4 jungle temple seed #10: 3396408
I saved this one for last because it has nothing other than flesh and bones. If you need to start crops, grow trees, or make giant mushrooms, then this seed could really help with that because there are a ton of bones.
That's all the seeds for this list, be sure to check out my Minecraft village seed list, it's got a bunch of awesome stuff in it. There's also a Minecraft mushroom biome seed list if you want to see that as well.
Thanks for watching, I hope you liked something, feel free to tell me so below.
Minecraft jungle temple seed video #10 - Temple with lots of flesh and bones
Thanks for checking out this awesome seed list
In summary
Jungle Temple seeds are great for starting off with some materials that are otherwise somewhat difficult to get. If you liked any of them feel free to tell me so below. Be sure to check out my other seed lists too, like my Minecraft village seed list, they've got plenty more great stuff to see!
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