I Am Now A Lords Mobile Gamer
Nilly55 On Lords Mobile.
A Reluctant War Gamer.
Years ago I promised myself I would never start playing games. A couple of years ago I broke that promise and than some. Still, for some time it worked out well, until one summer when my son was away in Queens with my parents. I thought I was downloading baking recipes and I ended up downloading Bakery Story. I learned it was a game. I then became interested in other related food games. Restaurant Dash with Gordon Ramsey was actually exciting to me. They bleeped out his profanity a lot. Like a child I giggled at the wonder of which profane words were being censored by the animated version of Mr Ramsey.
My War Gear!
Love Game. Hate Attacks!!!
Most games have a type of currency that you need to use for buying in-game items. Gold bars are used to buys items in Restaurant Dash. Restaurant Dash offered choices on how to earn free gold. You can watch video ads and earn two gold bars. You can also scroll through their offers from other businesses or game offers and take those offers and earn a nice amount of gold bars. February 2018 I needed gold bars. I did not want to pay for them. I decided to scroll through the “Other Offers” selection and saw the Lords Mobile icon. I seen it before and always passed it by, because I did not want to play some War Game. Still, the gold bar offer was over two hundred. How could I pass that up? I could not.
To receive the gold bars I believed I needed to get to level twelve to receive them. I got there in not time. I saw no gold bars added to my currency so I started complaining. Meanwhile I kept going back to Lords Mobile and playing, because there was something very relaxing about growing your turf. Upgrading and joining a guild and helping others that where building also. It was calm until I was attacked. I saw fire to all my buildings, and a care package of rss — resources — from Lords Mobile. I was Castle level eight, and that was my first attack, and I wanted to find those guys in real life and kick their asses. No nothing insane about those thoughts.
Shield Or Burn!!!
Oops My Bad!
After the fire was out to my castle I rebuilt. I went back to Restaurant Dash to see if I received my two hundred plus gold bars yet. I did not. So again I made a complaint. I believe I was level twenty — on Lords Mobile — by than. I was so upset with Restaurant Dash. I was not playing as regularly as I were. It was not until I scrolled through the “Other Offers” selection again that I read the Lords Mobile offer clearly. It stated you must reach castle level twelve to actually receive the gold bars. Yes, I was wrong. By the time I realized that though I was castle level thirteen working on fourteen. It took me some time to realize that castle levels and your hero levels are not the same. Honestly they still had not sent me my gold bars until I was castle level thirteen. Ironic.
Talking To People From Around The World Is The Cool Part Of Lords Mobile.
My New Friends Are From Around The World!
I am now a Lords Mobile Fan girl. I never knew that term until a few weeks ago. I have not been on Restaurant Dash until recently only to keep this article accurate. The draw back to Lords Mobile can be getting attacked and your leaders being captured all the time. It is a strategy game so you better have one. The appeal to staying on Lords Mobile are the friends from around the world I have met from Greece, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Wales, and etc. Not to mention from all over the United States of America. Last year there was no real communications in any of the games I have played before Lords Mobile. I became bored with all of those games after I reached the top. I am the maximum level of sixty. Over a year into Lords Mobile my castle is the maximum level of twenty five. My might is over one hundred and thirty million. I am an R5, which is a leader of a guild. I made a lot of friends and some enemies. That is how it is in war right? After all I am playing in a War Game.
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Just A Few Of Loyal Friends!
iPad Air 3 Is My Best Friend. I Write And Play On It Daily.
I Play Lords Mobile On My Samsung And Research For All My Writing Assigments.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 N E Wright