Pubg, the Biggest Success in Recent Times
PUBG is one of those few games that, recently, has taken the world by storm. Being the pioneer of the 'Battle Royal" game mechanics, it has left such an immense impact, that the players will remember in the years to come. Today we will look at the history of this game, its features and game mechanics, what game critics think about PUBG, and how it is evolving to stay relevant to the trends.
Inception with a brand new idea
PUBG was first released back in 2017 by Tencent, a gaming mega-giant corporation, and was developed by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of the South Korean game company Bluehole. It was a game not different from any other action shooter games, but the most unique feature of this game was the ability to play with 99 other players online. The objective of the game was simple, survive until you are the last player standing. PUBG was the first game to have such game mechanics, and it grabbed everyone's attention. Within a few months after release PUBG became the most popular game known around the world because, for the first time in a long time, a game with such a fresh idea and mechanics has entered the gaming market.
Thought of critics
Prior to PUBG, everyone was getting bored with the same mechanics in other online multiplayer games. Call of Duty and Battlefield were some of the enormous number of games that came with this same repetitive feature, no game felt different from the other. This was the problem that Tencent focused on, making game mechanics where players will play online but not in the traditional multiplayer way. Tencent created this new Battle Royal system and made a very comprehensible guide to make the players get familiar with the mechanics. As a result, Tencent succeeded, looking from the gaming community feedback, players not only love it, they've gotten addicted to it. Now all the other major game publishers have taken note of Tencent's success and they have also integrated the Battle Royal system onto their game as well, like the latest Call of Duty, Battlefield, Fortnight, etc.
Staying relevant
Now, PUBG's biggest challenge is not becoming the best, but staying the best. Since its first release, PUBG has made many changes to its mechanics, like having objective systems such as the Royal Pass, and Sign In Reward, Missions, Clans, etc. The best change they have made is introducing the new Theme system, where each season new skins are released based on popular trending movies, and other games. They have also introduced some new game mechanics, such as the Zombie Survive Till Dawn, Team Deathmatch and more.
In a nutshell, PUBG has become the biggest success story in recent times and has secured its name in modern gaming history. PUBG will be a subject of gossip for generations to come.