Reasons why the Ouija Board Game Is Not For You
There are many wonderful board games out in the market that continue to give us pleasure during our leisurely hours. Some of us would not know how to occupy ourselves were it not for these cool games. The board games range from being intellectual, business oriented to entertaining.
Popular board games
Some of the most common board games include chess, snakes and ladders, draughts and monopoly to mention just a few.
Rummikub -- The Original Rummy Tile Game
Pressman Rummikub Large Number Edition
This is a checkered board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules. The prime objective is to checkmate your opponent’s king. The sixteen pieces comprise a King, Queen, two Bishops, two Knights, two Castles and eight rooks. Each players pieces are suited in a uniform color that is different his opponent’s pieces. Chess is a highly intellectual game.
Monopoly is a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as the pieces advance around the board according to the throw of a die. Monopoly is a business oriented game.
Draughts is a checkered board game for two players who each have twelve pieces. The key objective of the player is to jump over and capture the opponent’s pieces until none remains on the board. Draughts board game is mainly for entertainment.
Bananagrams Game
Dangerous Board Games
Ouija board Game
One board game that players should purpose to avoid is the Ouija board game. The board has with time been nicknamed the talking board. Experts claim that the board itself is not dangerous, but the manner in which users put it to. Christians will beg to differ with this point of view considering their knowledge of the board as a point of contact with evil spirits, which must be avoided at all cost.
This game comprises a wooden board with alphabetic lettering starting from A to Z and a pointer (planchette) that has a hole in the middle, with the word Ouija printed on both the pointer and the board itself. It also has numbers ranging from 0 (zero) up to 9 (nine) beneath the alphabet. There is a picture of the sun at the upper left hand corner with the word “YES” adjacent to it and a moon at the upper right hand corner with the word “NO” adjacent to it.
The bottom of the board has the words “GOODBYE”
Despite being a source of entertainment for warding off boredom, the board is a doorway into the spirit world for spiritualists who use it during séances.
The board has been used to do weird things like causing items to vanish only to be found in unexpected places days later, spelling out names of people letter by letter using the planchette which moves voluntarily without being touched, giving users accurate information they knew nothing about, and many others.
There is even an Ouija application for computer users who want to practice a bit of witchcraft. However, this is a “no go zone” for serious Christians who know witchcraft is forbidden.
The internet is replete with weird happenings of players using the board. Some examples include:
Snakes and ladders
This is a board game for children who use dice to move counters up ladders and down snakes. The game is used for entertainment purposes and is most adored by children.