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Rockstar Riots Update!

Updated on November 10, 2018
Wesley Atwood profile image

Wesley is an avid gamer, streaming enthusiast, and a technology advocate with a certification in management & information systems technology

Rockstar Riots Competition Update!

If you're a big fan of Destiny 2 and don't know yet, for the past five weeks there has been a huge competition sponsored and ran by Rockstar Energy. Each week has had a different focus on the three major matchmaking modes the game offers; Crucible, Strikes, and the newly added Gambit mode. This past week (week five) ends on November 9th, at midnight EST, which then starts week six with a focus on Gambit matches.

It's Been A Bumpy Road Though

If you have been paying attention or the competition or in fact are participating in it, you may have noticed a huge issue with week five that all players registered to the competition were facing. It started the day of daylight savings when Rockstar's competition segment of the website encountered a major glitch in the systems scoring and recording of the matches and the points to come from them. At first, it appeared as though the entire site was frozen and would not display scores for anyone. On top of that, when viewing the weekly leaderboard, everyone displayed showed a total of zero points from places 1-200. This lasted for almost two full days before anyone on any platform started to see scores update and record data. Unfortunately though, scoring was still playing catch up and was at least a day and a half behind displaying the true score stats for players everywhere. Sadly, this was not the end of the problems for week five.

Competition Account Issues

After finally seeing scores updating and tracking matches again, even still being behind on displaying a true score, many of the registered players for the competition had somehow had whatever account they were using to link to Rockstar's site were being randomly disconnected resulting in matches not counting at all. There was an easy fix that took a little bit of time to figure out though Rockstar was not announcing much about it during this time. The way around this was as straightforward as logging out of the competition site and locating the "sign up for competition" button on the homepage of the site. Once found, simply click and follow through the standard instruction for connecting the specific account desired along with the character to be used for the duration of the competition and that was that. This did turn a lot of players away from the competition as a result though, as most were unsure if it was even worthwhile pursuing the remainder of week five.

The Rest Of The Competition

While week five seemed to be nothing but problems, Rockstar finally acknowledged publicly on their site that in fact there were "intermittent" issues with scoring tracking and updates. With this being announced it did bring a small sense of calmness to the community with the idea that the following week would be fair and accurate, as well as the fact they were consciously working hard to address and fix the issues at hand.

All Things Considered

All in all, the Rockstar Riots competition has had its ups and downs but is still solid in terms of bringing to the table of what they've promised to the player base. If you have yet to give it a shot or are just now finding out about it, the final week is approaching fast with still many prizes to be fought for, as well as a spot in the qualifier round to take the fight to Bungie themselves. Week six starts November 10th at 12am EST. Now is the time to fight, get out there and be a Rockstar, Guardians.


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