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Stars End - Why is it Impressive?

Updated on November 13, 2019
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Jedediah Jones is an avid gamer who loves helping others but isn't afraid to charge hell with a bucket of water just to see the hiss.

Why choose Stars End over other space based video games?

Some video games especially now days are extremely graphics intense and require extremely powerful computers. Not so with Stars End min req being: Processor: 2.2 GHz Quad Core. Memory: 8 GB RAM. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti / AMD Radeon R7 370. DirectX: Version 11.

More importantly due to the simple yet powerful built in crafting guide a player doesn't need a wiki to figure out how to craft and build everything from a pick to a home to a spaceship. Instead they simply glance at the guide which tells them exactly what they need/how to do it, either buy or grind the materials craft it, and it's on with the adventure!

View of the Community Center I built at the Beta Prairie Spaceport Onramp
View of the Community Center I built at the Beta Prairie Spaceport Onramp | Source
Capture and Hold Domes to collect revenues from vendor sales in that territory & more!
Capture and Hold Domes to collect revenues from vendor sales in that territory & more!

Axes to Asteroids it's all Waiting for You!

Recently I found myself looking for a new game. By chance I happened on a title in Steam called "Stars End." The picture for their blurb didn't seem that engaging but there seemed a good deal of promise and potential in their idea. That being to allow players to craft their way from a wooden shack to ships that could pioneer the 'verse. The 'verse is quite substantial includes a number of worlds, two of which are habitable currently and all the others are explorable and potentially even more exciting as game development progress's.

The game servers can hold a total of 250 players each. There are a number of Official Servers that include both PVE and PVP for several world regions including North America. The 'verse is entirely included on each server so no laggy server switching to get to another world, and space combat over cargo runs is something to be ready for.

The starter game offers a tutorial which teaches the basics of gameplay in an enjoyable linear fashion. Players soon discover they can either gather and craft or seek out valuable minerals to sell which in turn will allow them to buy the resources they need to progress. Many players are lured by the sweet smell of mineable Helium on Nox Talana but beware the airless environment there. At the very least you will need a spacesuit to survive.

The game is still in it's Early Access period so there are bugs and glitches which are at times a minor annoyance. However the range of content is inspirational and encourages players to enjoy the game in spite of said bugs and glitches which developers tend to with regular updates.

Speaking of range of content, getting around Beta Prairie offers a great deal of options from horses one can buy or find in the wild (taming them with a saddle you can craft) or by fixing up abandoned repairable 4 wheelers, trucks, jet packs and even yes, abandoned nova spacecraft.

Players can make their way off planet by way of an intergalactic ferry system, or by crafting, repairing or purchasing a ship capable of space travel. Either way the skills to fly them are reasonable, and the places to take them are many. From asteroids to moons to planets to orbital space stations or your friends house.. its all just a few parsecs away ..just don't forget to bring enough fuel as you wouldn't want to have to get out and walk!

It's also worth a mention that the game is not "pay to play." The purchase price of the game is all a person needs aside from their own efforts to completely participate in all aspects of game play. Another thing that is very worth a mention is the developers interest in player input which they glean through two powerful tools. One is their discord channel and the other is via the GM's that frequently visit the Official Servers to assist and listen to the concerns of Stars End citizens.

All in all Stars End seems to incorporate the building/crafting and pioneering progression elements of Ark Survival Evolved with the lets take this to space technology of Star Citizen. Is Stars End Early Access a winner? Join in the fun and decide for yourself but in this gamers view Stars End is two thumbs up!

Post Script

Feel free to drop in and visit me on the Stars End NA PVP server. Mention this article and I'll give you some free beer & sausage to enjoy as we watch a pvp match at our new PVP range.

Early Access High Quality Space Pioneering

Currently available on Steam for under $30 CAD

Pioneer an entire universe!
Pioneer an entire universe!

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