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Classic Games for Children 8 and Up

Updated on July 30, 2018
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Rose Mary, an occupational therapist since 1987, is experienced with pre-term infants, early intervention, school therapy, and home health.

How would you entertain your kids if you had no electricity for a day? That’s right, no TV, computer or Xbox. How about good old fashioned low tech games?

Games hone a variety of visual, motor, mental and social skills. Games are versatile. Most games can be adapted or modified. Most are inexpensive and some are available at thrift stores. These games are suitable for children 8 and older.

  • Games reviewed in this article:
  • Connect 4
  • Uno
  • Scrabble Slam
  • Boggle
  • Double Dominos
  • Yahtzee

See also Board Games for Children 8 and Up.

Connect 4

Standard and travel versions of classic Connect Four
Standard and travel versions of classic Connect Four | Source

Connect 4

Number of Players: 2 players

Age: 7 and up

Brief Overview: This game is like Tic Tac Toe, but vertical, and players must get 4 in a row of their color.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.6 of 5 stars from 2338 raters.

Skills: Perceptual motor, fine motor, sequencing, strategy.

Versions: Multiple versions including Sponge Bob. A version is also available with 3 game options: original, Pop Out and Pop 10. Checkers can be popped out of the grid to change the row entirely. A 4 foot yard version is available.

Modifications: For younger children, players could aim for 3 in a row, vertical or horizontal only.

How to Play Connect 4


Uno cards
Uno cards | Source


Number of Players: 2 to 10 players

Age: 7 and up

Brief Overview: Three ways to play. Basic game is to race to be the first player to run out of cards. Cards are played by matching the color or number of the top card.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.7 of 5 from 2214 raters.

Skills: Color and number recognition, visual motor, strategy.

Versions: Multiple editions.

Modifications: Versions are available for younger children.

How to Play Uno

Scrabble Slam

Scrabble Slam
Scrabble Slam | Source

Scrabble Slam

Number of Players: 2 to 4 players

Age: 8 and up

Brief Overview: Players race to change the 4-letter word in play and get rid of all of their cards. Lame could become fame, which could become fume.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.2 of 5 from 305 raters.

Skills: Basic spelling skills, speed of dexterity.

Versions: Multiple editions and packaging of basic game.

Modifications: Try 3-letter words for younger children.




Number of Players: 2 to 4 players

Age: 8 and up

Brief Overview: There are 16 letter cubes with a different letter on every side. Shake up letter cubes, drop them in grid, then start timer. Players have 3 minutes to see who acquires the most points from words using the letters in the grid.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.7 of 5 from 174 raters.

Skills: Spelling, writing, strategy.

Versions: Multiple editions and packaging of the basic game. Travel version available.

Modifications: Deluxe edition has 25 letter cubes, but can also be adapted to the 16 cube play.

How to Play Boggle

Double 6 Dominos

Dominos | Source

Double Dominoes

Number of Players: Typically 2 players.

Age: 8 and up

Brief Overview: The basic domino game is the Block Game. The 28 tiles are place face down and shuffled. Players select 7 tiles each, with remaining tiles not used. First player lays the first tile, starting the line of play. Players continue the line by placing a tile of equal value to one end. Game ends when a player plays all tiles, or game is blocked when neither player can play a tile of equal value. There is also a Draw Game.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.0 of 5 from 862 raters.

Skills: Quantity recognition, dexterity with tiles, strategy.

Versions: There is a version of the game with tile values up to 12.

Modifications: There are adaptations for more who can play individually or in teams.

How to Play Dominos




Number of Players: 1 or more players

Age: 8 and up

Brief Overview: Game of strategy and luck. Players roll 5 dice up to 3 turns trying for 5 of a kind (Yahtzee), straight, full house or other combinations similar to Poker. Player with the most points wins.

Amazon Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.7 of 5 from 544 raters.

Skills: Understanding of combinations, strategy, basic math skills.

Versions: Multiple editions and packaging, including electronic and travel versions.


© 2009 rmcrayne


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