Why Crossword Puzzles Help the Brain
What is a Crossword Puzzle?
A crossword puzzleis a random series of lines with spaces for letters that correspond with given clues. Most crossword puzzles only incorporate letters.The key to the crossword is to use all the clues and answers to figure out the ones you do not know. The crossword's origin dates back to the early 20th century, and has quickly become a huge hit in the United States.
Why Crossword Puzzles Help the Brain
Most studies around the world show that the average person only uses about 10% of his or her brain. That number may vary under certain circumstances. One circumstance is the crossword. Recent studies show that crossword users may use up to 14% of their brain while taking on the challenge of a crossword puzzle. It sounds like a minute amount, but only about 25% of our brains are accessible for knowledge.
What does all this extra brain usage entail?Studies have shown that this extra mental exercise actually helps prevent Alzheimer's Disease. Crosswords aren't the only activity on the list, however. Other activities included writing the alphabet with the opposite hand, Sudoku, and even dancing.
How does it actually help prevent Alzheimer's? After doing some digging, I concluded that scientists really do not know, but guess that it has to do with extra blood flowing to the brain during exercise. This blood flow combined with intellectual stimulation of the brain lobes aids the brain in becoming stronger and "durable," meaning less likely to contract Alzheimer's.
So Where Should I Start?
I thought you would never ask. Crossword puzzles are everywhere: Internet, books, newspapers, magazines, the list goes on and on. Go to google right now and type in 'free printable crosswords' and presto. Crosswords do take some time to familiarize with the styles of asking the reader questions, but, with a little practice, you will see how fun they are.
On top of helping the brain and enjoyment, you can even see an increase in vocabulary and general knowledge. Some crossword puzzle books purposely ask the same questions, maybe in a different wording, in different puzzles (the puzzles may be far apart) to test you on how well you can retain the knowledge you learned from past puzzles.
What are you waiting for? Get started on a puzzle today!