Wii Fitness Plus Wishlist
Wii Fitness For Couch Potatoes
Wii Fitness Plus with the Balance Board is a fantastic exercise bundle of fun. The Wii Balance Board, along with Wii Fit, was introduced on July 11, 2007 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. The Balance Board measures weight, BMI and the body’s center of balance.
Initially Nintendo contacted manufacturers who make bathroom scales to help with the designing of the board. In an effort to keep cost down, Nintendo ended up building the board without outside help and in many way the Balance Board may be more accurate than a bathroom scale.
The shape of the Balance Board is rectangle with multiple pressure sensors. Partly inspired by Sumo wrestlers who weigh themselves using two scales.
Wii Fitness Plus is an upgrade of the Wii Fit. Once your height, age, weight and BMI are calculated; informational health tips are presented. The program will calculate your age fitness level. If it is higher than your actual age, it is time to get started with the software’s personal trainer. The personal trainer will guide you along the way. Calories are shown for each activity that is done. And everything is recorded on a calendar.
This is a perfect solution for couch potatoes.
Easy Way to Get Fit With Wii
Wii Fit Features Five Categories Of Exercises
With 60 games to choose from, how can one get bored! Wii Fit Plus has five categories to choose from.
Training Plus: Fun training activities like Obstacle Course, Driving Range, Skateboard Arena, Snowball Fight, Rhythm Kung Fu, Island Cycling, Big Top Juggling and Basic Run Plus.
Strength Training: Various exercises to test your strength include, Single Leg Extension, Sideways Leg Lift, Arm and Leg Lift, Single-Arm Stand, Torso Twists, Rowing Squat, Single Leg Twist, Lunge, Push-Up and Side Plank, Jackknife, Plank and Tricep Extension. Challenges include Push-Up Challenge, Plank Challenge and Jackknife Challenge.
Aerobics: Fun, heart pumping, calorie burning exercises like Hula Hoop, Basic Step, Basic Run, Super Hula Hoop, Advanced Step, 2-P Run, Rhythm Boxing, Free Step and Free Run.
Yoga: Work on your mind body and soul with poses and activities like Deep Breathing, Half-Moon, Dance, Cobra, Bridge, Spinal Twist, Shoulder Stand, Warrior, Tree, Sun Salutation, Standing Knee, Palm Tree, Chair, Triangle and Downward-Facing Dog.
Balance: Games to work on your balance Soccer Heading, Ski Slalom, Ski Jump, Table Tilt, Tightrope Walk, Balance Bubble, Penguin Slide, Snowboard Slalom and Lotus Focus.
A Little Off Balanced
Wii Fitness Plus has been on my wishlist for some time. It had been hard finding it in the stores. I finally bought it as a gift to me. I tried it out with my Shape-Ups Shoes. Needless to say, these shoes added an additional 20 pounds to my frame. I did not notice that one needs to be barefooted to workout on the board.
After everything was calculated, I was told my health age to be a little more than my real age. This was not good news.
More people tend to put more weight on their right leg, throwing off their center of balance. I was not surprise to find that my balance was off to the right a bit.
Since I am off balance...I decided to start with the balance games. From there, I began trying all the exercise game categories. Some of these exercise games are quite a challenge.
It is still a new toy. I am not expecting to burn a lot of calories. But it can be a good workout. To top it off, it isn't boring like most exercises can be.
Wii Exercise Workouts
The copyright to this article is owned by Sandy Mertens (sandyspider). Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on HubPages to read the remainder of the article.)