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An Overview of the Xbox One Elite Controller
What Makes the Xbox Elite Controller Special?
If you are considering buying the Xbox One Elite controller, you are probably curious as to what makes it better than the typical Xbox controller. The most noticeable difference is the four removable paddles on the back of the controller. These paddles will be one of the biggest advantages of the elite controller. They can be assigned to any button on the controller. So how is this advantageous? If you are pretty serious about gaming and in particular, competitive shooters, you understand the importance of being able react efficiently when split seconds matter. So rather than throwing your aim off to peak around corners by pressing on the joysticks, you can utilize the paddles to become your new lean buttons or they can be assigned as you see fit.
The controller also comes with hairpin trigger abilities to give you the edge in pulling off a quick reaction shot. Aside from these two features the controller also comes with two sets of extra replacement joysticks, an additional satellite d-pad for fighting games, and the ability to utilize an exclusive Xbox program that allows you to remap any button/button sensitivity on the controller. It is also worth mentioning that the quality and feel of the controller is far beyond that of any other Xbox controller, boasting its matte finish, textured rubber grips, and zero dead-zone joysticks (dead-zone being the slight undetected movement in the joysticks).
Is the Xbox Elite Controller Worth It?
The biggest obstacle to get past is the price of the controller. At $150 retail, it makes for a pretty hefty gaming investment. So, do its features justify the cost? Ultimately this decision is up to you, how serious are you about gaming? If you play quiet a bit and like to be competitive, the controller is most certainly worth it. I have purchased myself the controller and have seen a significant difference in the quality of my gameplay. There is a significant learning curve to using the controller and getting used to the paddles, but once you learn you will gain a major edge in every gunfight over your opponent. I recommend giving it a try if you are a serious Xbox console gamer.
Check out this link for more Elite Controller info
- Xbox Elite Controller Review - YouTube
The Xbox One Elite controller has been labeled by many as a cool, yet grossly overpriced peripheral. But does Luke think that its awesome features justify th...
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