Computers versus Consoles, Which is better?

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  1. Gamer Nurse profile image60
    Gamer Nurseposted 11 years ago

    Computers versus Consoles, Which is better?

    I am looking for opinions and answers to a poll for an upcoming hub I have planned.  If you had to make a choice between playing games on a computer or playing them on a console, which would you prefer.  Just answer the poll in the comments and maybe post your reasons why as well

  2. cfin profile image66
    cfinposted 11 years ago

    If I could afford it, a console. But only because I like games like civilization. For 2 player games local multiplayer, a console is needed.

    1. Len Cannon profile image87
      Len Cannonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know that a console is the preferred way to play PC mainstay sereis Civilization...

    2. cfin profile image66
      cfinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I actually meant a computer. Terrible typo sad hope it makes sense now. I meant a computer for my civ, console for 2 player local.

  3. dailytop10 profile image85
    dailytop10posted 11 years ago

    Consoles are designed purely for gaming which is not the case for computers so it's normal for them to be better.

  4. CitizenPM profile image59
    CitizenPMposted 11 years ago

    Without question PC's deliver a far superior overall gaming experience.  They offer wider variety of game types, more ways to play and do so with superior grahics. The problem is sometimes PC games are some what finicky about your hardware specs and can get REALLY expensive if you want to run the latest and greatest inside of 2 years after purchase.  If you are some what lazy and just want to go to the store to pick up something to play, the consoles are better in that regard.

    I think consoles are definately getting better but if you have the funds you should always consider PC's the first and best choice for gaming.

  5. profile image53
    ruydiazmiocidposted 11 years ago

    Despite it being true that PCs offer a better overall experience in terms of graphics and sound, as well as upgrade-ability, they are not great machines for party games or local multiplayer games, that is, games you play with other people in your living room as opposed to online multiplayer, You will, however see most triple A console games get a PC release so if you don't plan on playing many party games, then you should be set with a PC. Personally, I like the best of both worlds, so I have a gaming PC and a Nintendo Wii. While I enjoy games like Dead Space and Team Fortress 2 on my PC, there's nothing like playing Mario Kart Wii with 3 of my friends in the living room. A good PC and whatever the current Nintendo console is is all most people should need for a well rounded gaming experience. Save for a few console-only series (Halo on Xbox and Uncharted on PS3 respectively), you really won't be missing much owning the aforementioned gaming machines. The Sony and Microsoft consoles are really only glorified gaming PCs that hook up to your TV, however they quickly succumb to obsolescence. Bear in mind though, that the new console generation hasn't kicked into gear yet. Other than the Wii U, we still don't know exactly what the other new consoles will do. So there may be changes looming just over the horizon.

  6. sm825 profile image61
    sm825posted 11 years ago

    I agree with Citizen ever since I got my new PC I have not touched my console games, and have been sticking to PC games. Since Starcraft 2 heart of the swarm is coming out soon, I doubt I will be playing anything on the consoles anytime soon.


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