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Collecting Miniature Typewriters

Updated on July 19, 2017
Virginia Allain profile image

Collecting has been a lifelong passion for Virginia and her collections range from ephemera to tins and Hall china.

From my sister's collection of miniature typewriters.
From my sister's collection of miniature typewriters. | Source

Tiny Collectible for Writers

My sister started years ago searching out little typewriters. They are a fun collection, just right for a writer. She writes poetry and children's stories. Her writing room is filled with bookshelves overflowing with books. On many of the shelves you'll see displays of her miniature typewriters.

She specializes in ones about the size of an egg (about two or three inches square). These novelties often have other purposes such as pencil sharpener or card holders. Some are merely decorative pieces made of metal or china. The smallest ones were made for dollhouses.

Other categories that are popular with collectors are toy typewriters. Below I'll explain what to look for in that category.

old metal mini typewriter in my sister's collection
old metal mini typewriter in my sister's collection | Source

Some Are Made of Metal

Vintage mini typewriter from the collection of C.J. Ross

When you go to yard sales, don't forget to rummage around in small boxes of junk or look through little odds and ends. These are often where you'll find a vintage piece like this metal typewriter with vinyl keys.

They can be quite inexpensive if you are lucky. This one says "Remington" on it.

(photo by Virginia Allain)

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tiny typewriter glass paperclip holder
tiny typewriter glass paperclip holder

Some Are Made of Glass

From the collection of C.J. Ross

She found this one at an office supply store. It's purpose is to hold paper clips. I like the way it is painted.

(photo by Virginia Allain)

Musical Little Typewriter

Just four and a half inches tall so this fits as a tiny typewriter. It's actually a music box that plays the tune, "Yesterday." It's very clever as while the music is playing, the carriage moves back and forth. It's made of wood.

My sister would love this one for her collection.

metal mini typewriter
metal mini typewriter

Another Piece from My Sister's Collection

A metal one belonging to C.J. Ross

I have no idea if this one is older or just has a retro look.

(photo by Virginia Allain)

stick horse book cover Cynthia ross
stick horse book cover Cynthia ross

Meet My Sister Who Collects Little Typewriters

Cindy prefers being called C.J. but I'm still getting used to that moniker. She's my younger sister and she a writer and a collector. Actually you could use that same phrase to describe all the members of my family.

Cindy may win the prize though as the super-collector in the family. Besides collecting miniature typewriters, she collects hats. Not just hats to wear, but hats from all different eras. She gives talks about the hats to ladies clubs and at museums.

Other things that she collects includes twig whimsies, porcelain bird figurines, salt and pepper shakers, vintage ink bottles and books, lots of books.

(This is my sister's book of poems for children. That's her riding the stick horse on the cover.)

Little Typewriters (Available from Amazon) - Add these to your collection

Typewriter Necklace - Gold Plated Brass Miniature Vintage Type Writer
Typewriter Necklace - Gold Plated Brass Miniature Vintage Type Writer
You can wear this one as a piece of jewelry or remove the chain and display it with your collection of mini machines. As for me, I'd actually wear it as a necklace when I went to my writer's group twice a month.

Would You Like to Collect

Miniature Typewriters?

Check on eBay for Miniature Typewriters

You never know what you'll find on eBay. These auctions end tomorrow, so get your bid in right away.

Weddingstar Vintage Typewriter Card Holder
Weddingstar Vintage Typewriter Card Holder
This comes in a package of 6. That's perfect for trading with others who collect minis. You can give them as gifts to writers you know. The keys spell out L O V E. For a collector of miniature typewriters, I can say this one will be love at first sight.

See Toy Typewriters in Action - On these YouTube Videos

The first video features a 1916 child's toy. What a great find.

Did You Know...

That February is Typewriter Appreciation Month?

Toy Typewriters for Children - Specialize in These Retro Collectibles

Over the years, typewriters have been scaled down to child size. These might receive some damage as children played with them. If you decide to focus on collecting these, check the condition carefully on vintage ones.

Did You Know...

Typewriters have been in use for over 150 years!

Search for Toy Typerwriters on eBay

There's usually a good range of retro and antique typewriters for children on eBay. Look for some great buys there.


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