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Munchkin the geeky role playing card game

Updated on April 7, 2013

Steve Jacksons Munchkin the card game

If you are a Role Playing geek and you have played Dungeons and Dragons or any of the other D&D clones on the market, then you will appreciate Steve Jackson popular card game series Munchkin.

The Munchkin games is a geeky card game with a lighthearted and humerous approach to the Role Playing theme. It is a parody on the many dungeon crawler RP games that came out in the wake of Dungeon and Dragons success in the 90s.

It is a game for 3-8 players and is the perfect entertainment for a fun night with your geeky friends. The card illustrations are hilarious, the game rules are ridicolous and bound to make you giggle and the overall theme is extremely nerdy and should make any Role Playing geek feel right at home.

Munchkin was created by Steve Jackson Games and is a geeky card roleplaying game that does not take itself too serious.

Cheat, trick and laugh your way through a funfilled evening with oldschool RPG parodies and references. Get the geeky gang together and reminisc while you play a game of Munchkin.

This article will guide you to where you can buy Munchkin in all its different versions and variants including but not limited to Super Munchkin, Munchkin bite and Munchkin Cthulhu.

Enjoy, but be careful not to get a chicken on your head.

Picture Courtesy of Amazon

Standard Munchkin Expansions

If you don't want to buy the Munchkin bundle you can get each of the standard Munchkin games here.

Munchkin Cthulhu

Munchkin Cthulhu
Munchkin Cthulhu
The original Munchkin became so popular that multiple spinoff sets has been made. One of these is the Munchkin Cthulhu stand-alone set. With monsters such as O R'lyeh?, Tht Whch Hs N Vwls and treasures like Shoes Of Only Having To Run Faster Than YOU and . . . Of The Middle-Aged Gods the tone has been set. For Cthulhu fans in the mood for a bit of light fun Munchkin Cthulhu is a great suggestion.

Munchkin Booty (Revised) - Pirate Munchkin

Munchkin Booty
Munchkin Booty
Munchkin Booty is the pirate version of Munchkin. As always there is a humerous spin on old cliches and that is how you in the Munchkin Booty card list finds for instance a Bathtub Duckie and Viking Kittens. For all the pirate fans looking for a geeky card game, this pirate Munchkin set should fit the bill.

More Funny Munchkin expansions, sets and additions

There are plenty more Munchkin expansion and standalones released by Steve Jackson Games.

You can for example get a chrismas version and a space adventure Munchking card game.

Even coooler is the Munchkin Quest Boardgame that takes Munchkin to an entirely new level. If anyone have ever played Heroquest and want a humerous pendant to this, then Munchkin Quest will offer just that. Roleplaying geeks and other nerds alike should find themselves entertained for hours with both the Munchkin Card Game and the RPG Boardgame fantasy version.


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