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10 Basic Changes to Make for Health Improvement

Updated on July 12, 2018

Most of the time, our resolve to take better care of our health can seem daunting. Goals such as to quit smoking or lose 10 pounds are well-intentioned and important but they are very challenging. While it is important to strive for these goals, taking care of yourself does not always need to come in huge leaps. There are basic changes that you can make to improve your health. Most of the time, these healthy practices are easy to do and can create a positive change in your overall well-being.

Get hydrated

Did you know that there is a calorie-free drink that can give you a boost of energy, helps you lose weight, flushes out toxins from your body, and has anti-aging properties? Plus, it's super cheap! Such a drink exists and you already have access to it. It's water.

Water is probably the most overlooked “superfood” there is. Drinking water is good for you and it's a small easy change that you can make to improve your overall health. Keep water within reach at all times. If you are always on the go, carry around your own water bottle so you can have it anywhere, any time.

Go to Bed Earlier

Sleep is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. If your phone needs recharging, surely, your body needs it too. Sleep is not only important in refueling your body with energy, the lack of it increases your risk of heart disease and cancer. Sleep deprived individuals, especially those in safety-sensitive jobs, are also more prone to errors and accidents.

If you are constantly lacking sleep, start with going to bed 15 minutes earlier. This is a small change but it can make a world of difference to your overall well-being.

Don't skip the most important meal of the day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this is not an exaggeration. Breakfast means breaking the fast to refuel your body after fasting while you are asleep. Aside from providing your body with energy, eating a healthy breakfast also has long-term benefits. The National Health Service has found that eating breakfast can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

No time for breakfast? Make sure that it is readily available in the morning by trying out overnight oats and other healthy options that you can prepare the night before.

Practice mindful eating

Speaking of breakfast, make every meal of the day count by eating mindfully. Mindful eating is about developing awareness, savoring the experience, and listening to your body. In a fast-paced society, it so easy to make eating a mindless act, something you just need to get through. When you eat too fast, you tend to consume more than you need. It takes the brain 20 minutes to realize that you are full.

Make your eating more mindful by taking the time to savor it more. Pay close attention to the flavors and textures of your food. Instead of looking at your phone, make conversation. These small changes will help you make eating more mindful and enjoyable.


Exercise has been shown to improve your physical and mental health. It can increase your energy levels as well stimulate muscle building. People who have a regular exercise regimen also report to having improved moods. It has helped a lot of people manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

Exercise can take many forms. If you enjoy the feeling of community of a gym, look for one easily accessible to you and sign up. You can also opt for activities that you already enjoy such as dancing, swimming, or jogging. If you are finding it hard to carve out the time to work out, you can insert exercise into your daily routine such as taking the stairs, parking farther from your office, or take calls while standing up. Exercise need not be a big and daunting change. Listen to your body and make sure you have adequate physical activity throughout the day.

Maintain proper posture

Maintaining good posture helps you avoid neck and back pain. It also has positive long-term effects. Proper posture protects your spinal joints from injury and permanent deformity. It decreases your risk for arthritis because it reduces wear and tears to your joint surfaces. Plus, it helps you look good and confident.

Pay more attention to your posture. When you sit, make sure that your back is straight and your buttocks are close to the back of your chair. While standing up, visualize an imaginary line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee, and all the way to the back of your ankle.

Take time to stretch

Stretching benefits the body in a number of ways. It improves flexibility, expands your range of motion, and prevents injury. It also helps you improve your posture. Make sure that you stretch before an exercise. It warms up your body up and helps you stay limber and move freely. On days that you are not going for an exercise, make sure that you still take a few stretch breaks. You can also incorporate stretching throughout the day such as when reaching for something on the top shelf or when getting out of your car.

Set up an appointment for a medical check-up

Regular medical check-ups are beneficial to your overall health. By going to the doctor once every few months, you are ensuring that potentially serious illnesses are detected and treated early on before they become difficult to manage. By knowing the status of your health and well-being, you are empowered to make the necessary changes to improve it. Prevention is, as the saying goes, better than cure.

Set an appointment for your checkup and set a reminder on your phone. this will help you make the necessary arrangements to make sure you are able to make it. Create recurring reminders throughout the year to make it easy for you to remember your next check-up.

Take a few minutes to de-stress

Prolonged stress can cause a number of ailments as well as exacerbate ones that are already present. Stress is found by experts to worsen conditions such as high blood, pressure, heart disease, migraines, and depression. This is why de-stressing is very important.

Activities such as exercise, meditation, and breathing techniques are found to relieve stress. Do de-stressing activities that you enjoy such as listening to your favorite music, playing with your pet, taking walks, or reading a good book. Even if you do not have a lot of time to de-stress, a few minutes each day can still provide a positive impact on your well-being.


A good belly laugh has no side effects. It releases the feel-good hormone, endorphins that counteracts the bad effects of cortisol, the hormone that your body produces under stress. Make sure you take the time to have a good laugh every day. Exchanging funny stories with your co-workers and family, or watching a funny video on the internet does a body good. Search for your favorite feel-good clips on the internet. Those cat videos have health benefits, after all.

*Disclaimer: This article pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion about med­i­cine, health, and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this article, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other health care worker.

Med-Sense Guaranteed Association provides educational information and deep discounts on amazing products/services focused on health, diet, and fitness.

© 2018 Med-Sense Guaranteed Association


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