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10 Powerful Hacks for More Productivity

Updated on December 16, 2020
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Nitin is a certified executive coach. He has experience in leadership and team building for many years. He likes to see people succeed.


1. Increase Your Knowledge

Do you want to be more productive in your life and business?

Then spend less time on entertainment and more time on increasing your knowledge.

We are not against entertainment, but it is good to limit time on entertainment.

If you spend time gaining knowledge, it will improve your personality skills and earning power.

Thus, you will become a productive person.

2. Limit Your Social Media Time

With the proliferation of the internet, social media has increased exponentially.

Many social media applications have come up these days.

People are literally getting addicted to social media.

People have started living their lives on social media.

They are no longer connected to the real world but live most of the time in the unreal, virtual world of the internet.

They live for likes, comments, and follow backs as if it is a question of life and death.

That is today's reality. In such a world, limiting your time on social media is going to be very difficult but necessary.

Time spent on social media is generally not productive. It is actually a waste of precious time.

3. Plan Out Everything

Another thing that you can do to become productive is to develop the habit of making plans regularly.

Don't do anything significant without planning it out first.

When you plan something, you save a lot of time and other resources.

Once you have the plans ready, you just need to execute them and monitor them.

Things work out pretty well when you plan them well in advance.

4. Perform Important Tasks First

Getting the important tasks done early in the morning will help you increase your productivity.

The reason for this is because your energy levels are great in the morning and you are fresh after a night's sleep.

So use that energy to get the tough jobs done first.

Brian Tracy calls it "eating the frog."

It just means that you must tackle the tough jobs first and then take up the easy ones.


5. Three Important Tasks to Perform Daily

You may think it is strange that I include rest and sleep in productivity hacks.

But believe me, having good rest and adequate sleep increases your productivity.

In the same way, exercising regularly keeps you healthy and productive.

Some workaholic people think that sleep is a waste of time but that is not the truth.

The body is made in such a way that it functions at optimum levels only when it has adequate sleep and rest.

So go ahead get enough sleep, and enjoy good productivity.

6. Turn Off all Notifications

The cell phone has been a blessing in many ways but it has also been a burden to bear in some ways.

we all have hundreds of applications loaded on our cell phones.

We have WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, WeChat, Snapchat, Telegram, and many other apps.

All these apps send us notifications throughout the day and night.

These notifications can become huge distractions.

That's why it is important to turn off all notifications so that you can maintain your focus and productivity.

How to Stop Procrastinating and be More Productive

7. Break Down Big Tasks into Smaller Ones

It may be difficult to accomplish big tasks all at once.

The best way to get them done is to break them down into smaller tasks.

Small tasks look easier to accomplish whereas big tasks look intimidating.

The secret of accomplishing bigger tasks is to break them down into smaller chunks.

This results in increased productivity.

8. Follow the 80/20 Rule

Have you heard of Pareto's law?

Pareto's law states that 80% of the work gets done by 20% of your focused efforts.

Find out what exactly is that 20% effort and keep doing that to accomplish your goals.

By doing this you will eliminate 80% of all unproductive work.

This will result in saving your time and efforts.

This law also proves how much time is wasted in unproductive activities.

Pareto's Law
Pareto's Law | Source

9. Take More Breaks

Taking frequent small breaks will actually increase your productivity.

I remember reading the story of two woodcutters who went to the forest to cut wood.

One woodcutter would take frequent breaks throughout the day.

The other woodcutter kept on working non-stop throughout the day.

At the end of the day when the output was measured, the results were very surprising.

The woodcutter who took frequent breaks actually cut more wood than the other one who was working throughout the day.

Then the secret came out.

The woodcutter who took frequent breaks did so not only to rest, but he would sharpen his saw during that short break.

Because of sharpening the saw, he was able to cut more wood.

If you want to be like that woodcutter, you have to take frequent breaks to hone your skills and talents.

That will actually increase your productivity.

10. Choose only 3 Most Important Tasks Daily

The last productivity hack for you is that you don't have a very big to-do list.

Just choose the three most important tasks and accomplish them during the day.

Do this every day and your to-do list will never be big enough.

Also, your productivity level will go up because you can focus more on each task.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Nitin Khaire


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