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10 Spices with Super Benefits

Updated on December 2, 2019
Jannat Hossain profile image

spices not only increase the flavor and taste of a dish, they can also give us some super health benefits...know how!

The usage of spices in our day to day life is so common.

They not only make our dishes more flavorful and yummy, but they have some amazing benefits too.

Here are 12 best spices of the world, which can make your appetite better while providing some amazing health bonus!

Let me tell you the benefits these spices hold:

1. Ginger

- Ginger is basically a root, used as a spice widely all over the world.

- 100 grams of ginger consists 80 calories, 1 tablespoon of ginger is around of 5 calories.

- It is one of the best spices out there which has beneficial compounds for body and brain.

- Vitamin B3, B6, C, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium etc are common in ginger.

- Ginger has high amount of gingerol, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance.

- Ginger also contains high amount of antioxidant properties.

- Ginger is helpful for nauseas like sea sickness, morning sickness, surgery or chemotherapy related nausea etc.

- It can reduce muscle pain and soreness

- It many help solving digestion problems

- Ginger is good for heart health and blood sugar problems too.

2. Garlic

- Garlic is a plant related to Onion family, native to Central Asia and Iran. It’s very popular around the globe.

- Garlic contains Vitamins and Minerals including Vitamin B6 and C, iron, potassium, copper etc.

- Its compounds help to fight flu or common cold.

- It is good for lowering blood pressure (hypertension).

- Garlic can reduce the risk of heart diseases by lowering cholesterol level.

- It is good for bone health.

- It works as a body detox.

- Garlic contains antioxidants that might lower the risks of Alzheimer diseases and Dementia.

3. Turmeric

-Turmeric is a root, basically the root of the turmeric plant, a powerhouse of major health benefits.

- It contains Calcium, Fiber, Iron, Zinc, Potassium and other goodness.

- It contains Bioactive Compounds with various medicinal properties.

- It contains curcumin, a very powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties rich substance.

- Turmeric can increase antioxidant capacity of a body.

- Its curcumin boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

- Curcumin is proven to reduce the risks of brain and heart diseases.

- It is also proven to be helpful for reducing the risk of Arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Cancer.

- Turmeric’s curcumin can also fight depression and slow down skin aging.

4. Onion

- Onion can be used as a spice or a vegetable even.

- It has a great amount of vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, calcium and iron.

- It is a good source of dietary fiber.

- Onion is low in sodium, calories and contains zero fat.

- Research shows that onion can reduce the risk of heart diseases by lowering blood pressure.

- Its antioxidants can fight diabetes, control blood sugar.

- Onions can be beneficial for bone health too.

- It has antibacterial properties and may improve digestive system.

5. Cumin

- Cumin is native to southwestern Asia and Middle East.

- It contains dietary fiber, vitamin B and E, iron, manganese, magnesium etc.

- It can be beneficial for weight loss and fat reduction.

- It can lower cholesterol and stress hormones.

- Can fight diabetes and inflammation.

- Cumin can improve digestion too.

6. Chilli

- Chilli contains about 90% water, 6 calories per tablespoon and a very tiny amount of fiber, fat, protein etc.

- It contains Vitamin A, C, B6, K1, potassium and copper.

- Chilli is good for weight loss and pain relief.

- It may boost metabolism and reduce hunger.

- It can reduce blood pressure and improve digestive system.

7. Cinnamon

- Cinnamon is obtained from tree, it’s actually the inner bark of the specific spice tree, mostly added for flavoring up any dishes.

- It contains tiny bit of sugar, dietary fiber, fat and protein.

- It also contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K and mineral like zinc, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium etc along with a little amount of water.

- Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

- It is good for reducing the risk of heart diseases and type2 diabetes.

- It may also be beneficial for Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.

- It can fight fungal or bacterial infections.

- Cinnamon may also fight HIV-1, the main type of HIV virus in humans.

8. Clove

-Cloves are aromatic flower buds of a tree, native to the Maluku Island in Indonesia.

- One teaspoon of clove contains about 21 calories, 1 gram carb and fiber, some manganese, Vitamin C and K.

- It has high amount of antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress.

- It can also fight bacteria.

- It may improve blood sugar level and liver health.

- Cloves can be beneficial for bone health.

- It can also be helpful for liver ulcer.

9. Cardamom

-Cardamom is mainly added to dishes for its beautiful aroma, it is native to Indian Subcontinent and Indonesia.

- It has antioxidants and Diuretic properties.

- It can be helpful lowering blood sugar.

- Cardamom may contain cancer fighting compounds.

- It may help in digestive problems or ulcer.

- It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties.

- It may have antibacterial effects.

- It may prevent bad breath or cavities.

- Cardamom can treat infections and lower blood sugar levels.

10. Saffron

- Saffron is collected from flowers, believed to be originated in Iran.

- It is rich in plant compounds and antioxidants.

- It may reduce heart disease and lower blood sugar levels.

- It can be helpful in weight loss.

- It may improve memory and Alzheimer’s.

- Saffron can act like an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

- It can be beneficial for reducing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

Final Thoughts:

Spices are very low in calories and are used in very tiny amount in dishes. So, you don’t have worry about the calorie counts.

Adding spices can make the diet chart more bearable with these amazing health benefits.

Let “Fitness” be our goal and “Health” our main priority.

Thank you for reading.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Jannat Hossain


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