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10 Things to Do in Lockdown

Updated on March 28, 2020
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Natasha Pelati is a published author and freelance writer with an interest in psychology and coaching those who are a bit stuck.

Corona Virus Forces Humanity To Spend Quality Time At Home

There is nothing like a pandemic to get you down, especially when you are confined to a single space without being able to leave.

Our minds tell us that this is a bad idea and that we need to get out but it is actually not that bad if you keep yourself busy, because time goes really fast and you probably have so many ideas on what to do while you are home but you will find that you will have achieved not even half of what you wish to do.

Panic sets in once the doors are locked and you are not allowed to leave your own home.

It might make you feel like a prisoner, trapped and anxious, just remember that you are in a war to save humanity and your only mission is to stay inside and spend time with your family.

Although this is a devastating circumstance for many people, it is also the only war that we have had to fight united as one, instead of being torn out of our homes and forced to arms.

Being locked inside is not that bad and it means that you are saving lives this way; remember that when you feel like unlocking that door!

Get Up, Get Dressed and Get Active During Lockdown

Take this time to make a list of things that you wold like to do with your children, movies that you would like to watch, things that you would like to fix in the home and things that you haven't had a chance to do and want to try it now.

With the internet at our fingertips, there is an endless list of opportunities with learning and teaching new skills and there is no better time than now to try it out.

If you have no idea what to do with your time in quarantine, then there is a list of things that you could do to make your time feel quick and easy.

It doesn't involve you walking around in your pajama's all day everyday, it doesn't exclude brushing your hair or taking care of your personal hygiene and it does not include you becoming a hibernating hamster, sitting on the couch, eating and "slothing" your way through the pandemic.

This list will give you a sense of purpose and you will feel good about yourself afterwards, you will feel accomplished and it will make you wish for more time alone at home.

Ten Things To Do During Quarantine and Lockdown

If you live in an apartment, I am sure now is the time that you wish you had a garden.

A balcony area and an apartment can make you feel a little like you are living in a fishbowl but there are ways to get yourself a little more space and some peace.

Get a couple of cushions and put them on the floor of your balcony. Move your table over to allow you the space to lie down and relax on the cushions.

This gives you some space away from others in the house and you also get to have some fresh air and a bit of sunlight too.

Give your home space bubbles for everyone and if you live in a big house then it is important for you as a family to gather for lunch or a movie just to make sure that everyone is coping.

The thought of having to be locked in is a frightening one and it plays tricks with your mind so the best way to look at quarantine is one day at a time.

Don't do a countdown or think of how long you still have to be in there, just wake up and worry about the day you are in.

If you have no idea what to do with yourself and you feel like you are going crazy, here is a list of things to help you through your lockdown.

Number 1. Exercise

This is very important because even if you haven't been a gym regular or you are not really a fit person, you have still been doing some form of exercise by walking, whether it has been to the car or into the shops your body has had some form of exercise.

There are a few places to find quick exercises online and you can get a 15 minute workout just to keep the heart ticking.

Exercise is also very good for depression and it increases your serotonin levels which are happy hormones.

If you don't like the thought of exercise, put on some music and dance around.

Everyone needs a little bit of exercise while we are inside and you can either do it first thing in the morning or just before you have your dinner at night.

For those of you who like to do weights; use a bag of potatoes or find something in the house to make a gym.

If you have a skipping rope then that is pretty much all you need or you could hang a big continental pillow from the ceiling and use it as a punching bag.

Number 2. Have a Picnic

Get some snacks, a bottle of wine and a picnic basket packed and go into your garden and have a picnic.

If you don't have a garden then go onto your patio or balcony and set up your cushions and a blanket out there and enjoy the fresh air and some music while you relax and have a picnic.

When you are making your snacks pack in some sandwiches, a fruit, something sweet or you could make crudité and a dip.

Gather everyone in your home to the picnic and while you re out there, it gives you an opportunity to talk to your family.

Avoid talking about the lockdown or the virus so that you can switch off from the negative impact and give yourselves a good break with positive thoughts only.

Number 3. Watch A Movie

There are so many movies to watch on television at the moment and you can go down the list and watch something new every day.

Get each family member to choose a movie and set it up cinema style.

Someone can get the seating sorted out with comfy pillows and blankets, make popcorn and you could even make a slush.

Close the curtains during movie time and enjoy the film together as you would in a cinema.

How To Make A Slush

Take a tray of ice (you will probably need one per person)

Place the ice cubes into a cloth or a bag

Get a meat mallet and crush the ice.

Place the crushed ice into a glass and add syrup or fruit juice or concentrate if you have some.

Watch your movie and relax!

Number 4. Bake

Baking is relaxing and fun, it also passes time as it can take a while to prep.

You can make cookies, bread, lasagne or even muffins just to give you something to do.

If you have kids then they will love the idea of baking and they can help you with the cookies by cutting out the dough and making shapes,

If you have a muffin mix then follow the instructions and this will give you some extra food for the kids if you run out of things to eat.

Lasagne also takes a long time to prep and if you follow a recipe to make your own pasta then the reward in that itself is a good one.

Number 5. Clean out Your Closet and Redecorate

This is the time where you can clean out your closet and remove things that haven't fitted you since the 70's.

An easy way to throw something out is to do what Marie Kondo says; "If it doesn't bring you joy, get rid of it."

You will probably find that half of your wardrobe and shoe cupboard is full of things that are old and faded and the shoes are probably about to evaporate. Just get rid of them, you haven't used it in the last year, then you probably won't use it now. It is also a good idea to begin again and buy yourself some fresh, happy things once you are out.

Redecorate your space, take away that old frame and replace it with something else.

Move your bed around, change your curtains and give yourself a fresh and rejuvenated space that will make you feel better.

You can take an old something and turn it into a new something with a touch of paint or a small little alteration...use your imagination.

Move furniture, change curtains, take down paintings just to keep you occupied and if you don't like the way it looks, you can always change it back.

Number 6. Have a Karaoke Party

Get some Karaoke files online and display the lyrics on your computer. Let the family choose what songs they would like to sing and have a party and a laugh.

If you live on your own then you can sing as loud as you want and you can be a superstar by the end of the lockdown.

If you don't have a microphone then you can use a cup or just use your imagination.

The files are easy to find and you could probably find Karaoke files on Youtube, where all you have to do, is switch on the tv.

Number 7. Have a Dinner Party

Make invitations and invite each person in your family to a themed party.

Make a nice dinner and get someone to set the table and go as far as making name tags.

Have a theme and everyone can dress up for the occasion. You could also get family members that are not with you to join in via Skype and you can all have dinner together online.

This is a good way to keep into contact with family and you could even have a happy hour every day where you have a drink and a chat online.

Number 8. Read

The best way to relax and escape, besides watching a movie, is to read a book.

Find a quiet corner, sit on your bed, sit outside in the garden and just read. It is a great way to keep your vocabulary up and it also gives your eyes some exercise.

You can find books online, get an old book that you read ages ago and re- read it or you can find an audio book too.

Have a look for kids books too because it will keep their minds active, give them a great vocabulary and they will feel special if you read to them.

Number 9. Deep Clean Your Home

This is a great opportunity to deep clean because you have a lot of help at home now and you can start room by room.

Someone can help you move the furniture and you can begin with washing the walls.

Move everything away and sweep, mop, vacuum and take each room one at a time.

Take everything out of the cupboards, clean inside closets and get everyone to help with a certain section.

It is a good idea especially with the thought of a virus lurking around. Cleaning will make you all feel fresh and safe.

Number 10. Get Creative

A hobby is something that not many of us have any time for and this is the perfect opportunity to find your creative side, get your handyman on or just become an artist.

If you have tools and you like woodwork, then try and find something old and turn it into something that you have made.

Writing, singing, dancing or whatever you would like to do, now is a great time to try.

You can find online tutorials and you can allow yourself some time each day to learn your new skill or hobby, it is also a great time to start a new language.

If you have kids get some cardboard, glitter, pens and just let them go wild with art.

Crafts are also fun and you can find things to make online which include paper plates and things around the house.

Just use your imagination and find something that you would love to try but never have because you haven't had the time.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Natasha Pelati


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