10 Ways to Feel Young for Under 10 Dollars
You Don't Need to Spend Money to Feel Young Again!
Here is a list of 10 ways you can feel young for under 10 dollars. When you were young, you probably didn't have much money and yet felt great! There are even some ways to feel young without spending any money at all.
Top 10 Ways to Feel Young for Under 10 Dollars
1. Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night and Feel Younger
Cost: Free
Most of us carry debt- I am not talking about the monetary kind in this case. Every hour of sleep that you loose adds up in the form of "sleep debt". Getting enough sleep will go a long way toward making you feel younger. Start by making sure to get a full night's sleep for one week. If you need to get up early, go to bed in time to get 8 hours of sleep. Does everyone need 8 hours of sleep? No- 7 hours will do for most adults, but getting 8 hours of sleep will protect you from going into sleep debt if and when you miss out on getting enough sleep for any reason.
2. Wash and Declutter your Car- Look and Feel Younger
Cost: Under $10
Any car looks better shiny and clean. And you'll feel better (and younger) driving a clean shiny car. Decluttering the inside of your car is an easy way to start getting organized. The car is a small space compared to your house, making it a manageable project. People see you in your car. You probably spend a lot of time in your car, especially at the start of your day. Take pride in your car again, as you probably did when you were a teenager driving your first car, and you'll feel young again.
3. Start Exercising, Recapture Youth
Cost: Free
Start exercising- you'll notice a difference within a couple days. A free way to exercise is walking. An almost free way to get aerobic exercise is to ride a cheapcycle (cheap bicycle). Add in some push-ups and you've got yourself an exercise program. You'll have more energy and feel younger.
4. Act to Reduce Your Debt, You'll Feel Better- and Younger
Cost: Free
Think back to when you were young, say 16 years old. How much debt did you have? Probably none. Debt is a source of stress and worry. You can't get rid of your debt overnight, but putting a plan in place to get out of debt will make you feel better right away. Hope is not a plan. A solid plan should include an accurate estimate of how much money you have coming in and how much going out. Then adjust your expenses so you have more coming in than going out- and apply the surplus to paying off debt. Like most things, this is easier than it sounds! But you'll feel younger when you have a specific plan to pay off your debt.
5. Learn Something New Every Day, Keep your Mind Young
Cost: Free
Learning stimulates the mind and makes you feel younger. Too many people get out of the habit of learning every day after they finish school. Explore on wikipedia.org or hubpages.com to find subjects that interest you for free. When I was a kid, a set of encyclopedias cost hundreds of dollars- a small fortune back then. Now, much more information is available for free. Another resource: Check out YouTube for instructional videos.
6. Put Yourself in a Competitive Situation- Like You Did in Younger Days
Cost: Free
When is the last time you were in a competitive situation? Kids compete all the time- in class for the best grades, at recess in a race, in sports to see who gets to be a starter on the team. Most adults are not in truly competitive situations on a daily basis. Competition brings out the best in people and will make you feel younger. Find something that allows you to compete with others- a sport, game, or other competitive activity.
7. Create Something- Young People Do it Every Day
Cost: Free
Find a way to be creative, produce something that is your own. Producing art, crafts, writing, or photos will tap your creative energy. Other creative activities: planning a garden, make a new recipe to share, or reorganizing your shop to be just right for you- all exercise your creativity and will make you feel younger.
8. Get a Living Thing that Needs You- Connect to Something to Feel Young
Cost: $10
Having something to take care of and watch grow can make you feel younger. For the $10 price range, you could get a nice plant. I think it would be interesting to grow a coffee tree as a house plant, or maybe to grow Camellia sinensis- tea. For under $10, you can get a pet mouse at the pet store, although you'll need a cage, water bottle, bedding, food, etc. If you really want to put some money into it, you could get a dog or cat. Already have a pet? You can reinvigorate your relationship with your pet. Take walks, play with your pet, focus more on your pet. You'll feel younger, and your pet will enjoy it. Did you know that people who have pets live longer than people who don't? Or maybe pets who have people live longer than pets who don't...
9. Update your Resume, or Even Apply for a New Job- Opportunity will Make You Feel Younger
Cost: Free
Updating your resume is a good way to get perspective on your life- where you have been and where you are going. You'll remember things you have achieved that you have forgotten. You'll walk down memory lane to your first jobs. You'll feel younger, and the process of updating your resume will get you thinking about new possibilities. Applying for a new job will force you to think about your skills and may encourage you to work on some new skills- a good way to feel younger.
10. Young Wardrobe Update
Cost: $10
Of course a real wardrobe update would cost more than $10. But for $10 you can get a new accessory that you'll enjoy wearing. A hat is probably the best buy, since you can wear it every day. Get something a little out of your comfort zone, with a bit of style. You'll feel younger wearing it. You might need to shop at Goodwill or a thrift store to hit the $10 price range. Hats are useful since they protect your face from the sun. This prevents wrinkles and... will make you feel younger.
© 2013 Dr Penny Pincher