12 Best Energy Boosting Tips You Must Try
Always feeling tired and sleepy even during the daytime? Want to feel better while increasing your energy levels? Becoming energetic requires more than just eating healthy foods or taking energy supplements. Follow these tips to ensure you stay revved-up all day long.
1. Have a regular exercise
Aside from burning down fats, a regular exercise can also energize the body. Yes, you read it right! An exercise provides lots of benefits including this one. When doing a physical activity, you are actually improving the oxygen supply to your brain and to the other parts of the body. When this happens, proper blood flow and oxygenation are obtained which in turn, can help you become fully alert and focused. A simple jogging or walking can help you feel energized and refreshed as you throw amounts of toxins from your body through perspiration. Isn’t it great to detoxify and energize your body at the same time? You can also visit the gym and lift some weights when you have the time. I’m sure you will be happy to see your self shaped up while feeling revitalized.
2. Lesser intake of caffeinated drinks
Drinking a cup of coffee can give a momentary lift by making you feel awake and revitalized. As we know it, coffee has high caffeine content, so there’s no wonder why it can stimulate effects on our brain, making us alert in the expense of having a good quality sleep. Most people who drink cups of coffee in the evening are having hard times getting a good sleep. They are still wide-awake even after 3 o'clock in the morning. These people end up tired and sleepy the next day. Try to cut down your intake of caffeine just to make sure you won’t feel tired the following day.
3. Just keep it light
What did you feel after having big meals? By experience, most of us would feel tired and sleepy after having big meals - most especially after lunch time. This is one reason why some people tend to sleep and become sluggish after eating their lunch, hence they call this thing as siesta. When taking large meals, our body is doing extra job, trying to hold and digest the foods that we take in. In the process, we are consuming energy just to digest the foods properly. Here’s a simple tip: maintain self discipline by keeping meals enough to satisfy your appetite and not to strain your digestive system.
4. Don’t dare to miss a single meal
As previously stated, eating a large meal would contribute to degrading energy levels. Yes, its right, but doing the opposite thing to the extent of skipping meals is not good at all. You might want to know that our physical and mental energy is highly affected when we are skipping meals. Low blood sugar level is attained when we miss taking our breakfast, lunch or dinner. Our body needs some fuel to do some complex functions.
5. Avoid taking too much alcohol at night
Taking glasses of whiskey, wine or beer at a night party is a big NO for those who want to wake up the following day with high energy levels. Alcohol has the effect of raising our blood sugar, giving us the reason why we feel terrible when we wake up the morning after a pretty good party. Drinking 1-2 glasses of alcoholic beverage is enough if you can’t avoid drinking at night.
6. Replenish your body
One way to refuel our body is to drink plenty of water. Day and night, our body releases fluid in the form of urine and sweat. Without water, it would be very difficult for our body to get rid the wastes generated by the foods that we take. Losing the body fluids in our system would result to dehydration. This can make you feel weak, sick and tired. It can also lead to serious physical problems if not given proper medical attention.
7. Take a power nap
Learning to take a power nap is important in winning back your energy. A 20-minute break is enough for you to take a rest. If you want, you can turn-off the lights and listen to a relaxing music. This way you will be more relaxed and comfortable. Just make sure you have properly timed your nap, or else you’ll wake up reprimanded by your boss. That would be another problem for you, good luck!
8. Maintain a good posture
Most people tend to slump forward when working on a desk, which causes strains and discomfort. The tendency of having poor posture at the workstation would also make us feel tired and experience back pains. Who wants to work with back aches? I guess nobody wants to work while experiencing such pain. This is the underlying reason why some employees are not productive in their work. The best way you can do is to choose a sturdy chair with adjustable height. With this, you can choose a height appropriate for you. Sit properly and position the back of your chair to support your lower back. Make sure you place your feet comfortably flat on the floor. Maintaining a good posture would help you feel okay.
9. Stay positive at all times
Staying away from negative thoughts is a better way to start your day. Having a bad feeling lowers your energy, thus making you unmotivated towards the job. Try to think of the good ways and suppress the negative ones. You should develop confidence when dealing with challenging tasks. Through this way, you will be enlightened to do the job with high performance and efficiency. Spread the positive energy. You can do this by sharing good thoughts to your colleagues.
10. Take a deep breath and relax
Doing nothing is sometimes the hardest thing you can do. Be relaxed and enjoy your life. Free your mind from any undesired thoughts and forget all your problems. You can do some meditation and attend some yoga sessions if you like. These are the great ways to help yourself fully relaxed and stay healthy as well.
11. Be inspired
Having an inspiration is important for us to be determined and motivated. Take a look at some pictures of your family, friends, or your girlfriend/boyfriend and think about them. Remember all the happy moments that you were together, their smiles and their giggles. Dedicate your work for them. Try to think that you are doing all of this hard work because you simply love them. I'm sure this will lift your mood and spirit to the highest level.
12. Reward yourself
You always deserve a reward after long hours of work. Give yourself a treat. You can buy the latest gadget you want or get the delicious food you’ve been craving for. Providing rewards and incentives can help you become happy and motivated. It can encourage you to fulfill your goals in appropriate time.
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