12 Ways to Make People Happy the President Obama Way
How Do You Say Happiness
President Obama might say Hau'oli, 'oli' oli (which means happiness) in his Hawaiian language. Whether spoken as felicidad (Spanish), gluck (German), shiawase (Japenese), Bonheur (French), or Anandu (Hindu), everyone wants, needs and is looking for Happiness.
What Does Happiness Mean
Merriam Webster Dictionary defines happiness as: 1- good fortune ~ 2- (a) a state of well-being and contentment: JOY, (b) a pleasurable or satisfying experience. In his short time in the public eye, surely President Obama has truly provided this ultimate pinnacle experience to millions.
12 Ways To Make Others Happy Around You
Here are 12 specific easy actions you can do starting to day to make those around you happy The President Obama Way:
1- Give them a loving smile
2- Tell your loved ones "I Love You"
3- Give them a hug
4- Give those you meet and greet a firm hand shake and look them in the eyes
5- Help to solve their problems
6- Help them correct their mistakes. Not fixing the problem for them but guiding them in the right direction to be successful in their endeavors, (as was noted to the eyes of the world during President Obama's historic oath taking mistake by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts).
7- Use their names when you speak with them
8- Compliment them on their attire
9- Take them out to dinner
10- Tell them "I'm proud of you". Don't just say it to be saying it. There must be many small accomplishments you are proud of that he or she has done. Express it to them often and be sincere
11- Give them the thumbs up symbol. This hold such power, meaning everything's going to be allright, super, great ...all things positive.
12- Dance with your Loved one and hold them tight so the world can see.