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14 Styles of Yoga and their Benefits

Updated on May 25, 2018
Zara Khokhar profile image

Zara has an organized but creative personality. She enjoys reading and writing as well as sharing new knowledge in her hubs.


Today I'm going to be sharing my research about the different forms of yoga. There are 14 different styles of yoga that focus on various movements and different benefits towards your body. Yoga originated from Hindu spiritualism known as an ascetic discipline or in simpler terms severe self-discipline. Yoga can have a different meaning to everyone as well as a different effect on the mind and body. The following research provides information on each style and their different benefits. I hope this information makes it easier for you to choose which style to participate in.
14 Styles of Yoga and there Benefits.

Name of Yoga Styles:
Date and Person who Introduced:
1997 by John Friend
1928 by Sri K. Phattabhi Jois
1970 by Bikram Choudhry
2nd century by bce Gorakhnath
1934 by B.K.S. Iyengar
1984 by David Life and Sharon Gannon
1966 by Yogi Amrit Desai
500 bc by Yogi Bhajan introduced
Power Yoga
1980's by Sri K Phattaba
1970's by BKS Iyengar
1950's by Swami Vishnudevananda
Yinyasa Flow
1900's by Sri Krishnamacharya
1970's by Paulie Zinc

The Different Styles of Yoga + Benefits

1. Anusara
The word Anasura known as “yoga of the heart” means “following your heart” and “going with the flow”. Anasura yoga is a modern version of Hatha yoga which was introduced by John Friend. The style of Hatha is based on holding poses and breaths in a creative way. Anasura is a creative style of flexibility.

Benefits of Anasura

- Freestyle based
- Helps with Flexibility
- Expression through poses.
- Stretches out your muscles and tendons

2. Ashtanga
Ashtanga yoga is a form of classical Indian yoga which was developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This style is performed to build the strength of the core and detoxify your body. You detoxify your muscles and organs by producing internal heat to purify your sweat. It is one of the most powerful proven methods.

Benefits of Ashtanga

- Purifies your body
- Builds core strength
- Helps to breathe

3. Bikram (Hot Yoga)
Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga since it is performed in a room usually heated between 92 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The name comes from the person who introduced the style, Bikram Choudhury. This style of yoga is based on a set of 26 poses and focuses on breathing exercises. Bikram yoga also comes from traditional Hatha yoga but it is basically a more intense version.

Benefits of Bikram

- Great for weight loss
- Improves metabolism
- Increases flexibility
- Focus on breathing
- Hardcore

4. Hatha
The style of Hatha which dates back to 2nd-century BCE was practised to prepare your body and mind for deep meditation. This was done by practising asanas and pranayama (asanas meaning yoga postures and pranayama meaning breathing exercise). Hatha given the meaning of force is an amazing beginner activity. This form of yoga is the simplest because it is slow paced and aimed towards holding poses and breathing techniques.

Benefits of Hatha

- Improves balance
- Builds muscles
- Relieves stress
- Develops flexibility
- Enhances your focus

5. Iyengar
Iyengar yoga is another form of Hatha which is more precise and practised at an intermediate level. It has a mix of posture, breath control and strength development. Iyengar uses props like blankets, rope, wood blocks, chairs and many other items to practice with. This style is more advanced which means you need would need some previous practice in other types of yoga.

Benefits of Iyengar
- Improves posture
- Better lifestyle habits
- Tones muscles
- Increases your flexibility
- Enhances your breathing

6. Jivamukti
Jivamukti is a spiritual based style of yoga that was introduced in 1984. Jivamukti strives to help detoxify your body by removings stress and tension. This form expands your ability of strength, flexibility, and balance. This style is performed using the five tenets; ahimsa, bhakti, dhyana, nada, and shastra.

Benefits of Jivamukti
- Gain strength/muscles
- Improves balance
- Grows your flexibility
- Relieves Stress

7. Kripalu 1966 Yogi Amrit Desai
Kripalu is the word in Hindi for compassion. The core of Kripalu yoga is body, mind, and energy. This style of yoga is used to learn from your body and meditating as well as breathing exercises are often performed.

Benefits of Kripalu
- Enhances your focus
- Physically heals
- Enhances your breathing
- Clears the mind
- Relieves stress

8. Kundalini
Kundalini yoga is another purifying form of yoga. It is all about cleansing your body on the inside. Meditation, stretching, relaxation, poses and other things along those lines are performed in this style. Kundalini is another form of yoga focused on spirituality and the energy in your body.

Benefits of Kundalini

- Improves posture

- Purifies body

- Enhances flexibility
- Stretches out your muscles
- Relaxes the mind

9. Power Yoga
Power yoga is a fast-paced style of yoga which was introduced by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. This hardcore form of yoga definitely overrules the relaxation portion of yoga. Power yoga stimulates stamina and increases your strength. This style of yoga is more for fitness purposes as it can become your new weekly workout routine.

Benefits of Power Yoga
- Weight loss

- Hardcore
- Increases strength
- Improves flexibility
- Gains balance
- Maintains posture

10. Prenatal
As you are taught how to manage your symptoms of pregnancy prenatal yoga is performed by women who are pregnant. The movements are lighter and easier than those in other forms of yoga because you work on light stretches and motions of the body. This style focuses mainly on physical aspects of healing and pain relief. Prenatal yoga is a safe activity to enjoy during your pregnancy.

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
- Improves sleep
- Helps pregnant woman
- Decreases nausea, back pain and headaches
- Reduces stress
- Improves strength

11. Restorative
In the 1970’s restorative yoga was introduced as a tool of relaxation. This form is used to relax, release, and nurture your body. Restorative yoga uses articles like blankets and pillows which increase relaxation and comfort. If you have a lot of patience or want to gain some then restorative yoga is great for you as poses can be held for as long as ten minutes.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga
- Calms the mind
- Enhances flexibility
- Reduces emotional pain
- Recovers your body from illness
- Gains Patience

12. Sivananda
This style of yoga is used to form a healthy lifestyle by bringing peace to the mind. The style consists of 12 main poses which are intended to relieve tension in your body. There are many stretching and breathing exercises included. Along with the 12 poses, there are 5 important principles; Meditation, diet, positivity, exercise, and breathing.

Benefits of Sivananda Yoga
- Clears the mind
- Relieves pain
- Increases flexibility
- Enhances breathing
- Tones body
- Relieves stress

13. Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa is also known as "grace in motion" using breathing to flow gracefully through the different poses. The movements are smooth and focus on breathing and posture. The movements may be smooth but are also fast-paced which gives you get a great cardio workout.

Benefits of Vinyasa Flow
- Maintains posture
- Enhances breathing
- Enhances your focus
- Cardio Workout

14. Yin
Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga that focuses on holding movements for a long duration of time. Once again patience is a big factor in this style which means you will gain focus. Yin is great for flexibility and balance as it can be challenging to hold the poses.

Benefits of Yin Yoga
- Increases flexibility
- Enhances patience skills
- Loosens joints
- Relieves stress
- Improves body circulation
- Gain Patience


Which type of Yoga are you Interested in?

See results

After learning about all the different styles of yoga which would you be most interested in learning?

I hope that you have gained some knowledge after reading my article. I'm still debating on which style I would like to engage. Comment below if you have participated in any types of yoga and how the experience was. Wishing you all the best on your journey through a positive lifestyle.


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