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18 Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil You Probably Didn't Know

Updated on March 7, 2018
Olivia Philips profile image

Olivia is a nutritionist and diet, fitness, and weight-loss consultant based in Texas. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Food and Nutrition.

Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil - An Overview

With a busy and hectic schedule, the level of stress and anxiety has constantly been on a rise, leading to many health-related problems. Flaxseed comes from one of the oldest crops in the world called Flax. It dates as early as Babylon 3000 BC, having a high nutrient content. Flaxseeds contain a high amount of fiber, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids.

Studies say that flax seed is comprised of 40% oil, out of which 55% is Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acid helps to maintain physical and mental health. There are three major omega acids used by your body that is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). When you incorporate flax seeds to your daily diet, your body converts ALA to EPA and DHA, which can be readily used by the body.

Flaxseed oil is a pale or yellowish oil extracted by pressing the seed of Linum usitatissimum. The oil was first used to make medicine – in the form of flaxseed oil pills - and has now become a natural treatment for various health issues. However, it is now consumed as cooking oil, and in other forms, like making soap or waterproofing agents. Since flaxseeds and the oil are loaded with nutrients, it has many health benefits for your internal system, skin, and hair.

Some of the basic benefits of flax seed oil are:

  • Keeps your heart healthy – Regulates cholesterol and blood pressure. Prevents plaque build-up, symptoms of reducing metabolic syndrome, and blood clots.
  • Fights mental disorders and decline – Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s and age-related mental decline.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Lowers cancer risks.
  • Supports healthy bones & joints.
  • Supports healthy skin & slow aging.
  • Helps fight menstrual pain.

Important health benefits of flaxseed oil:

Reduces high cholesterol: As mentioned above, one of the most important nutrients in flaxseed oil is Omega 3 fatty acid, which helps in reducing cholesterol significantly. It also promotes brain functioning.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases: The amino and omega 3 fatty acids from organic flaxseed oil keeps the blood pressure low and prevents artery blockage. It also helps in avoiding deposition of plaque in the arteries by keeping white blood cells from sticking to the blood vessels ‘inner lining.

Prevents cancer: The lignans in flaxseed oil have antigenic properties and they prevent the tumor from forming new blood cells. The antioxidants in flaxseed oil can protect you from cancer and heart diseases. It can also significantly lower the risk of developing colon, prostate and breast cancer.

Protects the lungs: There are a lot of free radicals in the environment which causes oxidative damage, omega 3 fatty acid helps in filtering the air. The oil is also seen as an effective way to prevent asthma attacks.

Aids weight loss: Typically, the toxins in your digestive system leads to body weight and bloating. The natural laxative in flaxseed oil helps to keep the digestive system in good shape by rinsing off all the toxins from the body.

Treats menopause symptoms: Flaxseed oil benefits women during their menopause and menstrual cycle. It could prove helpful in menstrual breast pain for women. Flaxseed oil works as a natural medication for to ease the mild menopause symptoms.

Contains no gluten: Flaxseed oil is gluten-free, and its anti-inflammatory properties can help in preventing allergies. Consumption of organic flaxseed oil can benefit you in multiple ways.

Balances hormones: Flax Seeds can benefit women by balancing oestrogen levels in the body which can help them through menopause. It can also help better post menopause symptoms. The EFAs content in flaxseed oil prevents the excessive prostaglandins production which results in elevated PMS conditions for women going through their periods.

Arthritis management: Arthritis can cause uncomfortable pain, which restricts a person from living his/her life to the fullest. Flaxseed oil acts as a natural remedy for this pain.

Flaxseed oil benefits for your skin:

  1. Removes cellulite: As you age, your body’s ability to prevent structural changes in the skin is lost, hence, consumption of organic flaxseed oil benefits your body’s ability to produce collagen and reduce cellulite.

  2. Prevents earlier aging: Another important flaxseed oil skin benefit is its ability to make your skin look youthful. It also helps to improve your skin’s elasticity and repair skin cells, giving firmness to the skin.

  3. Moisturizes the skin: Flaxseed oil benefits the skin by making your skin brighter and smoother. If you have dry skin, the usage of flaxseed oil with help hydrating your skin.

  4. Prevents skin cancer: The antioxidants present in flaxseed oil may fight the free radicals and significantly reduce skin damage after sun exposure, thus aids in preventing skin cancer.

  5. Lignans: Omega 3 fatty acids promote healthy bowel movements. These acids are vital for healthy development and growth of the skin cells. The lignans present in flaxseeds reduces the DHT levels in the body, which can improve the appearance of your skin

  6. Heals skin: The nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseeds enhances the speed at which wounds heal. Regular consumption of organic flaxseed oil can minimize skin inflammation like acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis due to its high anti-inflammatory levels.

  7. Controls acne: Production of sebum, an oily substance produced by the skin glands, causes acne. Flaxseed controls the production of this substance, which aids in preventing acne at the onset.

    Flaxseed oil benefits for your hair:

  8. Prevents hair breakage: Omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseeds increase the hair’s elasticity, thus, reducing the breakage. It makes your hair stronger

  9. Prevents male baldness: An enzyme converts testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which shrinks the hair follicles, leading to baldness. The different kind of acids likes - ALA, linolenic acid and oleic acid in flaxseed oil can be used as natural remedies to treat male baldness.

© 2018 Olivia Philips


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