Rid Toxic Overload With Superfoods
Abby Campbell, BSc, SFN, SSN, CPT, is a leading professional fitness and nutrition expert, researcher, and published author of "One Size Does NOT Fit All Diet Plan," one of Amazon's Top Gluten-Free and Weight Loss Diets. (You may read more about Abby at the bottom of this article.)
"I'm doing all the right things... exercising... eating healthy. Why can't I lose these unwanted pounds and why do I feel so bad?"
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Or, have you wondered why you continually get sick when you are normally a healthy person? You may have heard of 'detoxification' or 'cleansing diets' as it's become the buzzword these days, especially with celebrities losing 10 or 20 pounds in very short timeframes. Maybe you've even thought about doing a detox yourself to help get your weight or health back on track.
Detoxification can be very beneficial to shedding weight or healing your body. The market provides numerous types of protocols for detoxifying. However, you want to be sure that you use an approach that is healthy and safe. You may find many strategies on the internet or in health magazines, but the scary truth is that most popular cleanses on the market today are dangerous to your metabolism and overall health. Besides, many just don't work.
Please read on to learn how cleansing your body correctly is important for the vitality and energy you've been longing for.
Have you ever tried detoxification?
What is Detoxification?
Wikipedia defines detoxification as "the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including, but not limited to, the human body and additionally can refer to the period of withdrawal during which an organism returns to homeostasis after long-term use of an addictive substance."
Detoxification is also known as "detox" for short. Basically, a detox will rid the body of anything that is potentially hazardous. You may have heard this term with those who are alcoholics or drug addicts. As they enter rehabilitation centers to get cleaned up, they come out detoxed.
However, alcohol and drugs aren't the only substances that contaminate our bodies. In fact, the food we eat and the air we breathe also corrupt us. Shampoo, toothpaste, and even lotions contribute the unwanted matter. That's right! We are all tainted. Some are more so than others. Unfortunately, we can't get away from all these pollutants as they are everywhere.
The good news is that our bodies were designed wonderfully! They can withstand a certain amount of free radicals, and they also know how to get rid of them naturally. Sweating, having bowel movements, and breathing are just some of the ways our bodies eliminate this waste.
Toxic Overload
Unfortunately, many people today are suffering from so many toxins that their bodies can't keep up with the natural cleansing process. Most dysfunctions and diseases that affect the body were egged on by toxic overload. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are just a few. More minor symptoms include skin disorders like eczema and acne, digestive issues such as bloating and constipation, and even weight gain.
The honest truth is that everyone can use a cleanse or detox every few months. None of us are exempt from processed and refined foods, alcohol consumption, or pollution. Unfortunately, our bodies are not exempt from toxins. Most of the produce we eat are covered in pesticides. Meat and poultry have been fed with antibiotics and other drugs. Even the air we breathe carries car exhaust or industrial pollutants.
See How Your Cells Work
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- What to Eat When Detoxing
If you're not sure what to eat when detoxing, then you need to read this article. Most detoxification or cleansing plans are actually dangerous and many don't help you lose weight or get healthy.
Problems with Most Detox Plans
When most people think of detoxification, they think it includes colon or liver cleanses, lemon or cabbage diets, and hot sauna or specialized foot baths. But, true detoxification doesn't even come close.
Did you know that your body has more than 100 trillion cells? Unfortunately, they all get clogged with debris - not just the colon or the liver. In the beginning, crazy liquid and starvation diets may make you think your body is eliminating unnecessary junk, but starving your body will never totally unclog your cells. And, starving will never nourish your cells.
Each cell is surrounded by a membrane that allows vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to pass through to the cell for nourishment. The membrane also fights to keep out the free radicals or toxins that potentially harm. When the cells are overloaded by free radicals, the cells can't soak up the nutrients it needs as they are blocked from toxins. The cells then get sick. Fatigue, iinflammation, and disease sets in. To heal the body, cells and cell membranes need to be free from contaminants. It's only then that the body can actually detox or be cleansed.
This is why a good detoxification process is necessary while staying away from harmful so-called cleanses that don't do anything for your health. To eradicate the toxins, you will need to boost your body with "super" nutrients. It's a bit like war where the superfoods will break down the toxin barrier that is blocking your cells. Once they do that, they will flood your body with the nourishment it needs. Once the body is nourished, healing takes place. It's a win for the super foods!
Food Matter Exposes the Sickness Industry
Benefits of Cell Cleansing
The benefits are numerous with a healthy and safe detoxification
- increased energy
- balanced blood sugar
- joint pain relief
- headache and migraine relief
- cleared skin disorders
- constipation relief
- accelerated fat loss
With all these benefits, a quality detoxification program can definitely be helpful. According to the Food Matters blog How to Cleanse and Nourish Your Cells with Fresh Vegetable Juices, "just one freshly pressed juice each day is a reliable way of infusing your body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that can protect your cells against premature aging and disease."
Top 30 Most Powerful Vegetables and Fruits
The following list has been compiled by a study completed by the Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy - a department of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Watercress
- Chinese cabbage
- Chard
- Beet green
- Spinach
- Chicory
- Leaf lettuce
- Parsley
- Romaine lettuce
- Collard green
- Turnip green
- Mustard green
- Endive
- Chive
- Kale
- Dandelion green
- Red pepper
- Arugula
- Broccoli
- Pumpkin
- Brussels sprout
- Scallion
- Kohlrabi
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Carrot
- Tomato
- Lemon
- Iceberg lettuce
- Strawberry
Cleansing Steps
Eliminate Bad Dietary Fats
In order to feel better, a healthy detox plan is in order. The first step is to get rid of artificial or trans fats which are associated with pre-packaged, processed, or refined foods such as chips, cookies, and ice cream. To make it easy, just eliminate anything that comes in a box, can, or plastic wrap. If it isn't natural, don't eat it.
Include Omega-3 Fats
The second step is to add some good dietary fats to your meal plan. Your cells thrive on good fats like monounsaturated and Omega-3. Include foods like olive oil, fish oil, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. Cold-water fish are also good to include: salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies.
Saturate with Superfoods
The third step is filling up on on 'superfoods' which are full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They will help your body heal. To your right of the screen you'll find a blue box of the top 30 superfoods. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's journal Preventing Chronic Disease posted a study done in June 2014 on "foods most strongly associated with reduced chronic disease risk." These "foods provided 10% or more daily value per 100 kcal of 17 qualifying nutrients." Providing the most antioxdiant benefit is watercress. Spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, grapefruits, and sweet potatoes are also amongst the list. By filling up on these foods, you'll begin feeling better and eradicating the ill effects of toxic cells.
Get Some Clean Protein
The body can do without protein for a few days, but you may want to include some if you're doing a detox for more than three days. Protein provides your body with amino acids which are the building blocks for your body. This includes your heart, skeletal muscles,bones, intestines, skin, eyes, and more.
You may have protein during your detox, but include it in your dinner meal during a three day detox. If your detox is longer than three days, you may want to inlcude protein two or three times per day. For women, a three to four ounce serving per meal is good. For men, four to six ounces is appropriate. Eat clean proteins like organic eggs, turkey, chicken, or fish. You'll get both your good dietary fat and your protein by including cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, or anchovies. The same goes for eggs. Stay away from red meat and pork during this cleansing process as these particular meats take longer to digest which makes your body work harder.
Purify with Water
Make sure you're drinking purified water every day. Including half your weight in ounces is a good start. This will help you eliminate with about two to three bowel movements per day. If you're not having this many movements per day, then include organic Smooth Move herbal tea by Traditional Medicinals. It will help you naturally and won't cause bloating and cramping like most over-the-counter drugs used for constipation.
You may also have green, white, and herbal teas. Peppermint tea is also very helpful as it supports the thyroid which controls your metabolism.
Get Plenty of Rest
During a detox, you want to make sure you get plenty of rest. Your body will be working overtime trying to eliminate toxins. Instead of hardcore exercise, you may want to take strolls or relaxed walks through nature. Enjoy the fresh air and soak up some Vitamin D. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Take naps in the afternoon if you need to.
A clean and gluten-free meal plan is best after a detox.
Eat Healthy for Life
As you're going through the cleansing process, you may want to think about a long-term plan for staying healthy. After all, you'll be feeling so good that you'll want to continue. This would be a great time to get your ducks in a row by determining your future days in the kitchen. Though exercise is great, it is only a fraction of what keeps a strong body. Having a well nourished menu plan is the key to helping you fight toxins on a daily basis. The One Size Does NOT Fit All Diet Plan will help you boost your metabolism and break through weight plateaus. It includes sample menu plans to keep your body healing and full of energy. Besides, a healthy diet will help you look and feel your best.
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About the Author
Abby Campbell, BSc, SFN, SSN, CPT, is a leading professional fitness and nutrition expert, researcher, published author, and a naturopathic doctorate candidate. For more than a decade, she has coached thousands of women locally and online to lose body fat and lead healthy lifestyles. Hundreds have also consulted with her on gluten- and lactose-free diets due to health concerns such as Celiacs, depression, and developmental disabilities. Abby is from Northern Virginia but now resides near Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been married for more than 20 years and has three grown daughters, one of which is autistic. She is a 20+ year cancer survivor.