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3 Super Simple Things to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

Updated on July 16, 2018
Shernae Grey profile image

Shernae is a Wife, Mother of 4 and an Industrial Worker that's transitioning into a Writer and Transformational Figure.

My daughter connecting.
My daughter connecting.

Rest the mind, body and heart to connect.

I became aware that in the grander scheme of things, we are all a part of an orchestration of sort that works without our effort. We harness its power not through our physical effort but our awareness and emotional state of being. In a state of hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed, boredom, or anything negative, we use the power to work against ourselves. To get things moving in the right direction, I take a mental and emotional break from everything. Not allowing myself to overthink or penetrate anything or anyone as I go about my daily routine. In this break, I don’t allow myself to respond negatively. At the least, all is met with understanding and acceptance. It’s not easy in most cases but I’ve come up with quite a few methods of working through the process because it’s results are vital to not contradicting the energy/vibration I’m looking to connect to. In addition, I give at least 5 minutes a day to deep breathing and consciously keeping my body tension free.

Why does this work? Every emotion emits a frequency and attracts things and experiences that perpetuates that emotion. As long as we feed that beast it will grow until we decide to feed something else. When I understood this and accepted it, I no longer took things personally, knowing whatever happened and all that I have is only in my experience to reflect what I'm feeling. That's the understanding and acceptance that cancels out my negative responses.

As far as my desire is concerned, it all results in me feeling satisfied, at peace and fulfilled. So that is the frequency I'm looking to emit in order to get the results I'm looking for. When I cancel the negative, this is what I get and there's only going up the emotional scale from there.

Relaxed breathing assists with changing frequencies and keeping the body tension free is useful since the heart, body and mind work coherently. A monkey wrench in one gear affects the others.

My son imagining mastering swimming. He's just started training.
My son imagining mastering swimming. He's just started training.

Look at it differently.

If I must think about something that worries me, I think of it in past tense as if it happened already and in the way I wanted it to be. Since the power we harness is in our awareness and emotions, I use my imagination to see myself as someone who has what I want and play out the result whether it’s a thing or experience. I feel the satisfaction joy and pleasure of it all. The worries melt away and I become perceptually aware of the state of being I should embody to have what I desire. However, if I fall short in how I feel or what I think, the experience incorporates precisely what my dominant emotions and thoughts were.

One time I imagined that I owned and was using one of those top brand cellphones that I loved and that it had only cost me $150. Deep down I knew it was highly unlikely for that to happen, but I put it out there anyway. Lo and behold, a co worker had just come back from a foreign country and wanted to sell the exact phone I wanted, brand new and for guess what…$150. As I explored the phone I discovered that it was a dead-on replica. I only smiled and said good one universe.

Buried in the sand at my favorite beach.
Buried in the sand at my favorite beach.

Wait for it…

After I’ve cleared my energy, redefined my perceptions, and got clear about what I wanted, I then forget about it and get lazy until I get either the impulse to act or something happens to kick start the process. Sometimes it comes in an exciting Idea, a phone call, a commercial…it could be anything. Once it feels like the next logical step then that’s the queue.

And that's it...

That’s what I did when I didn’t know what to do. Rest, Rethink and Wait.

  • Rest to connect to the true power.
  • Redirect the awareness and perceptions of the desire.
  • Wait for the next logical steps to come.

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