5 Amazing Ways to Cut Belly Fat Fast
Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fat to get rid of. It sneaks up on you in the dark and grab your gut and simply wont let it go. For decades, people all over the world have fought the battle with belly fat and most end up waving the white flag. But to really win the battle against belly fat, you have to first know the enemy to defeat the enemy. You see, belly fat loves and thrives on a lot of things we do and don't do. Belly fat loves a poor diet. It loves no exercise and it just loves most alcoholic beverages. Today, I am going to reveal to you the best kept strategy which many movie stars use to loose weight immediately. It is the best method to get rid of belly fat fast.
1. Remove Meat From Your Diet
What? You thought that loosing belly fat fast had some magic cerum for you to drink and voila! No more belly fat? No, there is no magic serum. But if you cut out all meat from your diet for at least three months, and replacing that meat with green vegetables and fruits, you will begin to see immediate change in belly weight. Meats contain some very bad saturated fats which are not good for your internal organs, especially your heart. These fats can clog arteries and cause severe health problems. You should immediately stop consuming fatty cuts of beef, pork and lamb,processed meats like salami, sausages and the skin on chicken. We know that protein is good for you and helps build muscle tissues. But did you also know that too much protein can lead to weight gain over time? Excess protein is usually stored as fat while the surplus of amino acids is excreted. This can lead to weight gain over a period of time, especially if you consume too many calories while trying to increase your protein intake. If you are worried about low protein intake, you can consume seeds, nuts, beans and lintels.
2. Eat More Leaf.
Vegetarians have got it down right from day one. If you had never had a bite of meat in your life, chances are that you may be much more healthy, lean and have a good immune system than those of us (like myself) who have divulged in the consumption of animal flesh. By eating more leaf, you body does not have to contend with all the toxic meats and the struggle of trying to keep itself healthy. But don't get me wrong, a vegetarian diet is not a weight loss diet. But going 'veggy' has many advantages. Vegetarian diet emphasizes mostly on fruits and vegetables and includes whole grains and plant-based proteins. These type of foods are more filling, less calorie dense and lower in fat. Hence should result in a slimmer you over time. For me, I like to consume a lot of green vegetables. Vegetables such as pak choi, okra, green leaf cabbages, lettuce, string beans, callaloo, etc. These green vegetables have good protein levels and extremely low in saturated fat.
3. Move!
Have you ever noticed how people who do have certain occupation tend to become a bit more overweight than others. Let me give you a bit of examples of what I speak about. People who have to use their muscle and burn fat and produce sweat while working such as a Mason, Carpenter, welder may tend to be a bit more leaner than say a helpdesk operator, a Tax Auditor or a Bank Manager. This is because people who sit around a desk all day rarely moves and when they do move, it is to go eat or go home. Many do not have time to find a gym to burn calories so they sit in their cubicle and eat and gain weight. While person who have to do work such as masonry moves a lot, lifts and sweats and simply burns fat while working. If you want to cut belly fat fast, you cannot simply depend on a diet to do it. You have to begin to sweat a little. Our lifestyle make it difficult for many of us to find the time and money to hit the Gym. But you can have a Gym right there in your own home. You can go out and purchase a exercise walking machine or a bike and begin to burn some calories at home.
4. Ditch Alcohol
Riddle me this and riddle me that. Guess this riddle and perhaps not. What does consuming too much alcohol such as beer have in common with your gut? Belly Fat. Yep, the consumption of too much alcohol is never a good idea. It adds so many bad factors to the function of your body. Aside from messing up your cognition and judgment, massive alcohol consumption will increase your fat on your belly. What most people may not know is that most alcohol are also high in calories. Remember, if your body has too much calories it will store the excess as fat. Alcoholic drinks will also contain additives and mixers that are included with many alcoholic beverages can be packed with calories as well as sugar. The calories that come from alcohol are considered empty, meaning they can pack on the pounds, but they have no nutritional value.
So let's take a look at John's lifestyle. John is a loans officer. He goes to the bar 5 times a week to consume a beer or two after work. He then sits and eats a large meal of beef and chips and then drives home, watch TV and falls asleep. He gets up the very next day and his lifestyle is repeated. Unless John has a super fat cutting mechanism. John will gain belly fat because of all the calories he keeps intaking from the meat and alcoholic beverages.
5. Drink More Water
Drinking lots of water can help you reduce weight over all, but will definitely cut that stubborn belly fat too. This doesn't mean you have to go move the ocean in your backyard and leave the fishes to die. You still will have to consume water in moderation. Pure Water is 100% calorie free. It will help suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. Water consumption also helps flushes your system and burn calories. It is recommended that the average person consume at least 6 glasses of water dailey. You must however make sure that you are consuming clean pure drinking water. Anything else is simply not water.
Cutting away belly fat fast can be achieved. You will not accomplish it in one or two days, unless you decide to do an operation to remove the fat. But that also has a higher risk factor than simply going about loosing it the natural way as with the five points I have given you in this article. It takes a combination of lifestyle changes to see quick results when trying to loose this kind of weight. I am no doctor, but the results from people who has approached cutting belly fat by simply doing these five things tell me that it actually works. Also remember that everyone's metabolism is different. It may take a week for you and six months for me. But never give up on loosing that stubborn belly fat, because guess what? It won't be giving up on you.
© 2019 Clive Williams