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5 Best Ways to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier

Updated on August 18, 2020
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Nikhil loves talking about things that matter in life. He loves indulging in deep talks and discussing the success secrets of life.


We as Homo sapiens, or humans as we know, are among the most fascinated animals on planet earth. We’re always looking for things that make us happy or make us help lead a long life.

Be it buying chocolates, talking with our loved ones, or watching our favorite movies, we all want to enjoy every moment. But do we able to do that on our regular day? I’m sure most people would say no.


Why? What is the reason behind that? Well, there could be hundreds of reasons for not staying happy or healthy. But by embracing good habits in your life, you can increase the span of your life and stay happier. In this article, I will share some practical tips on how to lead a longer, healthier, and happier life:

1. Eat Good Food and Stay in Shape

You must have seen or heard people emphasizing eating good and healthy food. And this is true. When you eat food that is good for your body and mind, you boost your immunity. And taking care of your immune system will help you stay healthier and keep diseases far from you.


One more aspect of staying healthy is to stay in shape. Tell me when did you ever see a person living a long life if he/she is overweight? Can’t think of any? That is because it’s a piece of true advice.

When you put on weight, your body becomes weak in fighting the deadly germs and viruses. You easily attract germs and bacteria that can harm your body. Therefore, it is essential to stay in shape by eating veggies and taking a healthy lifestyle.

2. Work Your Muscles

Take this as the extended version of the previous point. Just as important as eating healthy food, regular exercise is also critical if you want to live healthy and happy.

If you think you’re putting on some weight or are already one, then it’s time you start doing some light exercises. Now, you might think, yes again, that boring section about working out. But how are we supposed to take out time for this? Can you relate?

You must have read or heard hundreds of times that workout is good for mind and body. But how do we do it when we don’t have enough for it.

Think about when you unnecessarily lie down with your phone scrolling Instagram or binge-watching web series that you can avoid. I know I’m too harsh, but if you want to lead a healthy, better, and happier life, you have to sacrifice or lessen these material things.


You don’t have to start by doing an hour-long workout session.

For starters, simply go for 10-minutes around your neighborhood or to the nearby park.

It’s okay, you can take your phone with you, but you have to self-promise yourself not to play with it or turn on the internet. And then you can slowly increase the duration or mix things up by doing a mild workout at your terrace or in your home.

3. Grow Your Passion (s) and Share it With the World

Every human being on this planet, or probably in this universe is unique. Although they might have some common skills or experiences, our biological genes and upbringing have made us all different.

And just like we all are unique, we all have some things that we love and enjoy doing- our passions. Just like food help our body and mind stay energized and active; our passion helps satisfy our souls.

Whether you like drawing, listening, or singing songs, dancing, skiing, swimming, or any other thing that you enjoy, you should share it with the world.

— Nikhil (@sachnikh)

When you work on your passion and share it with the world, you attract attention. The attention can be both negative and positive.

You should always appreciate the positives and learn from the negatives in the right way. When you do that, you become happier. You become happier because your soul is happy for the actions you’re doing.

You become grateful to your life for being such a darling. And that increases your thrust to live longer.

4. Travel Somewhere New

Every normal human being loves traveling. It allows us to see new places and gives us a reason to meet new people and discover new cultures and histories.

Travel gives us experience in life. And when we collect or create experiences, we increase our life span by a huge margin. I’ve read somewhere that with every trek; you increase your life by a year. And I completely agree with this.


Of course, this might not be an ideal time to travel far off the coast due to the ongoing pandemic, but you can still travel to your nearby city or village with your dear ones for some hours. This will help you make the bond stronger, also refresh your mood, and make you happier. Don’t forget to take your kids and take all precautions when you plan for a travel.

5. Read (Good) Books

When it comes to leading a good healthy and happy life, we shouldn’t afford to lose out on the importance of books, especially good books. Reading is the process that involves your mind, speech, and focus. And when you do things that involve all the three, you sharpen your intelligence and become smarter.

Reading good books open new horizons to your mind and helps to formulate new thoughts and ideas. By good books, I simply mean those books that help you achieve any goal, such as social goals, personal goals, career goals, etc.

Books written by intellectuals and great authors will help you become aware of the world. This will create a positive impact on your mindset and it will eventually help you lead a happier life.


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Leading a happier, longer, and healthier life is something that every human being wishes for. And that can be achieved if we build good habits. Habits are powerful enough to change and influence our lives.

It depends on us whether we want to influence ourselves with negatives habits or positive ones.

Sure, these are only five common ways through which we can make our lives better and happier. But I believe change starts by taking small steps. And these are those small yet crucial ways through which I’m sure many people can become healthier and happier.

Would you like to add more points? The comments section is all yours.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Nikhil Sharma


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