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Effective Ways to Start Your Day Right - Tips for a Refreshing Morning

Updated on November 22, 2020
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Jemuel is an electronics engineer, software engineer and author of articles about electronics, technology, personal development and finance.

Do you want to feel good every day? Start your day great by following the steps featured in this article.
Do you want to feel good every day? Start your day great by following the steps featured in this article. | Source

Here's are ways to start your day right

Several people consider waking up early in the morning as a burden. Some might say, "hey, another busy day ahead...and I really don't like it!"

Mornings bring you back to reality after a very long and beautiful dream. It's a great reminder for everyone of us that life is moving on and we are given a chance to be happy, to do the things that we love, and to straighten things out by doing what is right. Morning is a blessing, indeed!

You must feel refreshed and develop positive vibes throughout your day. So here are some tips you can always apply into your routine without much effort. You better try it now and see the better results in your life.

By stretching your extremities, you can improve the blood circulation in your body.
By stretching your extremities, you can improve the blood circulation in your body. | Source

1. Stretch your extremities

Just for 15-20 seconds every morning, try this before you open your eyes. Start with your arms and stretch your fingers, then your hand and your wrist. Also include your toes, ankles, feet and legs. End it with a back stretch that lets you get up from bed. I am sure you'll like it.

Congratulations, you have exercised your muscles and limbered those joints. You have just improved the flow of blood through your body. It would mean that oxygen is properly provided to the tissues in your body.

2. Proper oral hygiene for a fresher breath

Wait! Before you utter that word, would you care brushing first?

Brushing after getting up from bed is the best way to get rid yourself of morning breath and face your day with freshness. Bacteria are present in your mouth every night and I'm sure that there will be thousands of them present after 8 hours. These bacteria are the reason for bad breath and other dental problems. Stay away from these problems, keep that healthy habit every morning. Brush your teeth and tongue at every start of the day. Well, you can always use mouth wash if you want, but proper brushing is highly recommended.

3. Check your calendar!

Isn't it good to have a large calendar?

Use a big calendar and place it in a prominent place in the house. On it, you can directly write everything you need to know for that day- from corporate meetings, party to friendly getaway and even your romantic date. These are the things you do not want to miss about.

I have a good suggestion, why not check your calendar every morning while you sip your coffee? You are not only reminded of the important events on that day but you are also reducing the stress of forgetting something important.

Keep yourself hydrated every morning

Rejuvenate yourself and be hydrated. Water clears up your throat effectively.
Rejuvenate yourself and be hydrated. Water clears up your throat effectively. | Source

4. Refuel yourself: Drink a glass of water

You've been sleeping for 6-8 hrs. You've been fasting all night long, so you wake up each morning dehydrated. Being dehydrated is not good to your body. So replenish those fluids now to keep yourself hydrated and refreshed.

5. Getting positive energies

Remember about the law of attraction? Thinking of positive ideas is really helpful for you, it attracts high positivity. You will be at ease, secured and more confident in facing the challenges that you might encounter. Feeling good starts in the mind, so learn to play a trick on it.

6. Be inspired

Make a list of people whom you dedicate your life, work or any other activities that you do. Having an inspiration is a big factor on how you handle different tasks.

7. Let go of things that you can't control

Thinking or worrying about things you cannot control can only bring you stress and anxiety. You cannot control all the situation around you, neither control the minds of other people but you can always control your reactions. So, stay calm and let go of uncontrollable things.

8. Give them kisses and hugs

This part should not be taken for granted since it is a better way of setting up a good mood throughout the day. It is very nice to show your love to all the people in your house (including your cats and dogs). Being with the ones you love soothes stress and provides a positive start to your day. Kisses and hugs will show your love to them and this would mean spreading good mood to every person in your house.

You have read those simple tips for morning. Now is the time to start your day right. You will be surprised of the good things it will bring in the long run.

How's your day?

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This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2013 Jemuel


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