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5 Health Benefits of Laughing

Updated on February 16, 2020
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Vikram Brahma is a health, fitness enthusiast and online motivational speaker. He retired after winning 100, 200 & 400 meters race in 2005.

A Thought on Laughter
A Thought on Laughter


Laughter is the best medicine human can have. And the best part is it’s free of cost. There is so much to talk about laughter.

A smile, humour, joke, laugh, giggle are all associated with health benefits.

A person who can laugh openly is always more healthy and positive towards life. And for this article purpose, we are considering laughing, giggle and smiling all are same.

A smiling face can break the ice between strangers. And I personally believe we should laugh often. It also builds trust among friends. But this is also necessary we must laugh on meaningful thoughts, ideas and situation.

We shouldn’t laugh during serious official meetings. There should be more laugh between spouse, friends and relatives. A laughing society will be always more healthy society. So, let’s see what are the 5 health benefits of laughing and how can we achieve this.

Great Social Connector
Great Social Connector | Source

Great Social Connector

Have you ever laughed while meeting someone for the first time?

Then the chances are you can easily build social connection and bonding.

A quick smile and kind words between strangers will easily break the ice between them. It sends warm and positive signals to each other. And strangers can become more open towards your ideas and points.

If you feel shy to laugh by seeing strangers than try mirror laughing technique. As each one of us love seeing ourself into the mirror for grooming purpose. During that time, see into your eyes and face and give a quick smile to yourself.

This technique will definitely help you to gain confidence in smiling. And a great smile will help you in building connections with people.

So, next time when you meet someone rather than showing your plain face, show your teeth and smile.

Good for Internal Organs

There are many exercises which we can perform for our body. Like jogging, skipping, weight training, yoga etc. These exercises are good for our body. And this definitely helps in maintaining our weight and shape.

A human body consists of many internal organs. There are a large number of arteries, veins and capillaries inside the human body. And when we laugh happily then all such internal organs get exercised automatically.

And we don’t have to laugh for 1 hour. As simple as 2 to 5 minutes of laughing can do wonders.

When we laugh it is a good exercise for our abdomen, heart and even for the brain. About this, we will read later. It is said when we laugh many internal blockages can be opened. It has many advantages for internal organs, therefore, laugh openly.

Help In Reducing Stress

It is true that life can be sometimes serious and tiring. And such situations are seen with people those who are residing in big and semi metro cities. Due to heavy work and family pressure, people get annoyed a lot. And then there are many other reasons.

So, when you are in stress, the first thing we must do is divert our mind from the main topic. We need to drink water, relax and talk with someone who can help us to relieve the stress.

And one of the best methods is simply laughing till your belly feel the pain. Till you start crying, not because of the sadness but because of joy you are feeling.

Simply meet old buddies, remember happy times and start laughing, seriously. Don’t think about your workload, empty your mind and laugh like a child. Go out with buddies and watch some funny movie. Chances are you might be feeling great after a good laugh.

Good For Healthy Heart
Good For Healthy Heart | Source

Good For Healthy Heart

My 4th point is in continuation of my 3rd point.

We must remember the heart is an important organ of our body.

When you are suffering my stress, chances are you might suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. This will affect our heart in a serious way.

Hypertension is simply another name for blood pressure. This may lead to an increase in the risk of heart attack, heart disease etc. And as I said earlier, we get stress due to heavy work and family pressure. Even the food which we intake place an important role during stress. A diet high in salt and cholesterol will have a negative effect on our heart.

Symptoms like severe headache, fatigue, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, pounding in chest etc. are signs of stress.

So, if you want to save yourself from such symptoms, go ahead and laugh often with family and friends. There is a direct connection between laughing and your heart. The more you laugh often, it is better for your health.

Help In Burning Calories
Help In Burning Calories | Source

Help In Burning Calories

There are so many benefits of laughing. And as per one study in 2014 by the International Journal of Obesity found that laughter can actually burn calories.

During the research, a group of 45 participates were divided into two groups. One group watched clips intended to evoke laughter. Another group watched a normal clip which doesn’t evoke any laughter.

Both groups were attached to a calorimeter. And it was found that those who laughed burned more calories than another group who did not laugh at all.

This experiment shows you can burn your daily calories by laughing.


The only side effects I can guess of laughter is a little headache and abdomen pain. But we can have these only if we laugh too much and for too long.

Laughter is the surest way of reducing tension, stress, anxiety, hypertension from our modern lifestyle. So, we need to use laughter as therapy. As everyone cannot escape the rat race and ready to settle in a small town. So, use laughter, it is free and easy to use.

Even there is something call laughter yoga, which involves the voluntary method of laughing within a group. This yoga is based on the belief that such voluntary laughter provides both physiological and psychological benefits.

And then there are different types of laughter like greeting laughter, lion laughter, humming laughter, silent laughter, heart to heart laughter, bold laughter etc.

I will highly recommend 2-5 minutes laughing session should be part of every home, school, college, university and workplaces.

So, what are you waiting for? Laugh my friend, just laugh.


The information provided in this hub is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or embarking on a new health regime. These are my personal methods which I follow.

© 2020 Vikram Brahma


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