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5 Tips to Reduce Anxiety

Updated on August 17, 2020
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Venezuelan student who overcame strong anxiety thanks to professionals, I speak from my experience to help other young people.


5 Tips for Reducing Anxiety

It is no secret that the current situation of global confinement puts great pressure on each of us. Many times we visualize ourselves so overwhelmed by this type of situation that we become prone to fall into a deep anxiety, eradicating it is a long process that professionals in the area are in charge of guiding and accompanying. However, we can minimize the anxiety produced by certain environments or situations, so we present you with these five tips that you can put into practice today to reduce anxiety.

1. Identify the problem

It is common that when we are immersed in a great hurricane of emotions that produce anxiety, we block ourselves and do not see beyond the terrible feeling that it causes. The first thing we must do is identify the cause of our anxiety, for example:

You were talking to a friend and he mentioned a task that you haven't completed yet, this situation produces anxiety.
Now, you weren't anxious about the comment itself, but about having that task delayed. The comment, in other words, was the "trigger"; whereas, not completing the task is the problem that causes you anxiety. This is the conclusion you should reach.


3. Get rid of it

Often we close ourselves off in the presence of great anxiety, this is a huge mistake. To close yourself implies assuming the burden that this represents, which is why the best thing to do is to get rid of these negative feelings. Go to someone you trust, if you don't have the courage to write. It has been proven that writing your emotions on paper frees you from them.

4. Recreate yourself

When facing these overwhelming situations it is best to disperse, to do those things that we are passionate about or simply distract us. Some activities you could do are:

- Painting or drawing: Get rid of bad emotions, make art.
- Go for a walk: Walking helps to clear your mind, if it is with your pet better.
- Read a book: Take advantage of those Epub's you never opened or those dusty books you have in your library.
- Cook: Nothing better than distraction and a great meal.

2. Do self-understanding exercises

When facing these emotions it is normal to blame ourselves at first but doing so is not healthy. To counteract these thoughts it is advisable to do self-understanding exercises, if you don't know about any of them you can do the next one focusing on these points:

- The cause is external: The problem is not in you, it is generated by external situations. Identify them.
- The problem is unstable: This problem that causes you anxiety will not be permanent in your life because it is not part of you.
- The problem is punctual: It will not present itself in all areas of your life, it is of a punctual moment and circumstance. Do not generalize.


5. Deal with the situation

After knowing what is causing your anxiety and you have been distracted from the initial crisis, it is best to face and eradicate the problem. Only this way it will not be able to return to influence in an important way towards your life, nor your tranquility. Remember that your emotional health is as important as your physical health and if it is pertinent, seek professional help, do not be ashamed to do so, they are there to help you.

© 2020 Erimar Reis


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