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5 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Change Your Life!
Do you know what is the most powerful thing on earth? Well, when I was a teacher I use to ask this same question to my new students often. Slowly this question became a common question and old students use to pass this question to the new students.
So, the answer to this question is simple, your brain is the most powerful thing on earth. Anything you can use today which are human-made is because of this brain. In other words - whatever is happening around the world to humans are because of this powerful organ.
Now, I want to share what is a subconscious mind and how it can make or break our life. And if, this is true then how we can reprogram it?
What Is Subconscious Mind?
Well, our mind is divided into two parts but it’s not about left or right brain. It’s about what we call a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. A conscious mind is waking mind which we use when we have to become alert and when we have to learn new things etc.
Whereas the subconscious mind is just the opposite of our active mind. During this stage we don’t use the conscious mind yet we can complete the task. To make you understand this, let me share one example, every day when we wake up we usually brush teeth, bath and eat our food. During these tasks, we don’t take part so actively but still we manage to complete the task, well that’s where your subconscious mind takes over.
In simple words, when some habits become your daily routine than to complete those task you use the power of subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind. And it has been said - 95% of your daily task is controlled by this powerful subconscious mind. Even he is the boss of your internal organs and external body part. Because you don’t have to think consciously whether your heart is beating or not. It is happening continuously without your conscious effort.
Whatever has ever happened in your life that has been recorded and validated by this mind. Even tomorrow if you want to look back and think of some old memories then this mind will help you. It is always in auto recording mode. And in fact, whatever changes have happened in our life is because of this mind.
There is a famous quote which says - if you can see it in your mind you can hold that it in your hand. This is a very powerful quote but here the author is talking about the subconscious mind. If you want to achieve something in your life, then you have to make it believe to your subconscious mind first. Once he started believing then your life will change, maybe slowly but surely. Even this mind holds the power to heal your body and diseases. That is how powerful is your subconscious mind.
So, now let’s see how we can change our life by reprogramming the subconscious mind.
Techniques To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Meditation And Visualization
Meditation and visualization is the first technique which we need to use to reprogram our mind. See our mind is recording whatever we have been going through whether it’s the situation or anything we are watching.
So, if you want to change your life then first need to reprogram our mind. And to do this we must visualize often the kind of life you desire. During this process close your eyes and always see the end result which you want. So, if you want success in life, see yourself achieving that success, see what changes it will bring in your life. Visualization is a very powerful process if done correctly. Successful people visualize often because they know it’s power.
Writing And Speaking Positive Affirmation
Second step which you can use is writing and speaking positive affirmation to self. Yes, the self-talk and what you write every day get noticed by your subconscious mind. Many successful individual use this technique.
For example, boxing legend late Muhammad Ali used to say often I am the greatest, I am the greatest and overtime not only he believed in his quote but even people around the world started believing in his quotes.
If you ask successful people many will say - every day first thing they write their goals. This one habit helps them to send the right signals to their subconscious mind every day. So, keep a journal and every day keep on writing what you desire from life.
Reading Inspirational Books To Influence Mind
You want huge growth and success in your life. Success is achievable but are you ready to put the hard work? To get inspiration and motivation you should read the biography of highly successful individuals.
When you will read their stories you will understand most of them had a bad start. Many times they failed but there was something that kept them going. Maybe they found their passion and a burning desire to succeed. So, find your passion and have a burning desire to succeed. There is no alternative available.
Change Environment To Change Mind
You need to change your environment to get success. Do you know by the time a child reaches seven years of age it is said, his mind is developed. He may not able to express well at this age but he can make out what is going on around. And if his environment is negative, he will observe negative vibes from them.
You are the average of five people, so make sure you associate yourself with the right kind of people. Those people who can guide you towards your goal. Environment plays a great role in our life. Same environment can make someone a hero and some villain.
Power Of Daily Habits
Now you know how powerful is the subconscious mind. And it controls 95% of what you do daily. So, it’s better to change your daily habits and adept to those habits which can bring success in your life.
If you want to make some changes in your habit then you must practice for twenty-one days continuously. If you can do for sixty days then it better but if you can do for ninety days, then it’s awesome. As your daily habits will bring you closer to your goals.
There are many books written on this topic and one of the most famous book is - The Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Even we can write another book on this.
For an individual, there is no power on earth greater than his/her mind. And even in that subconscious mind rules our life and situation. So, use it wisely, because if you can see it in your mind you can hold that it in your hand.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Vikram Brahma