6 Reasons Why Crying is Good for the Soul
1. You need to let it all out
Sometimes, crying isn't even optional. You have to let it all out to feel better again. I, myself has experienced this, I let it all out and cry myself to sleep for a few days and after letting it all out, it came to me that I need to let go of the things that I can't change because I got tired of it.
2. Sometimes you can't do anything about it and cry
When you can't do anything about it, and you can't hold back the tears anymore. It's okay. There are times that the only we can do for the moment is to cry. Sometimes, it even makes us feel a little better. This is also scientifically proven y'all!
3. It makes you think
Sometimes crying, makes you think about your life and the decisions and the mistakes you've made and the mistakes you're making. It may help you and make you realize some things that can make you better or your life a little better. Crying is a way of self-reflecting recent events or big happenings in one's life.
4. Practice on how to handle self
Yes, this is true, crying is also a practice on how to handle yourself, when you cry it might feel like its the end of the world. Well, it's not. You're just practicing how to handle yourself in the real world and it's good. You just know yourself too much to know your own weaknesses and strengths.
5. We all need it
Sometimes, we need to cry in order to wash away things that are blocking our view. And sometimes, its just a must. We must feel sad and even cry a little for us to realize and really appreciate happiness and joy when it comes.
6. To realize things
For us to realize things, we must be to the point of sadness that you can't handle it anymore and cry. Sometimes, the only thing in our head is our problems, and more often than not crying makes us realize the things that we did wrong or the things that other did wrong to us. It makes us realize our mistake and others' mistake for in the future we won't do it again or won't accept it again, because it has made us stronger than ever.
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