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7 Things Stopping Your Forward Movement- Lifehack

Updated on April 21, 2021
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Nitin is a certified life coach, executive coach, writer, husband, and father. His passion is to help people become their best version.

Keep Moving Forward
Keep Moving Forward | Source

We need to keep moving forward in life.

There are certain things that will keep us from moving forward.

Then there are certain things that will help us to go forward.

In this article, we will take a look at both of these things.

Actually, we will look at seven things to do to move forward in life.

1. Don't overthink everything

Many times we read don't move forward in life because we overthink everything.

There is no need to overthink every small decision that you have to take.

You need to learn how to take rapid action to keep moving forward in life.

Thinking about the same thing over and over again will end up in analysis paralysis.

2. Adjust your strategy regularly

You need to be patient because progress always takes time.

You may want to help the caterpillar become a butterfly fast. To do this, you will have to cut the cocoon. This will only result in killing the caterpillar.

The Caterpillar has to go through metamorphosis to become a beautiful butterfly.
Speeding up the process does not help.

The same principle applies to life. Patience is an essential virtue for moving forward in life.

In the same way, you cannot force a baby out of the womb before it completes the mandatory nine months.

If you try to do it you know what a tragedy that would be.

Take time and patience to move forward.

Life is for Success
Life is for Success | Source

3. Understand that progress takes time

You need to be patient because progress always takes time.

You may want to help the caterpillar become a butterfly fast. To do this, you will have to cut the cocoon. This will only result in killing the caterpillar.

The Caterpillar has to go through metamorphosis to become a beautiful butterfly.
Speeding up the process does not help.

The same principle applies to life.

Patience is an essential virtue for moving forward in life.

In the same way, you cannot force a baby out of the womb before it completes the mandatory nine months.

If you try to do it you know what a tragedy that would be. Take time and patience to move forward.

4. Put in the time and work

To keep moving forward in life you need to put in a lot of time and work.

There is no substitute for hard work.

Skills and talents are useless if you don't put in the necessary efforts.
Skills + efforts = success.

You need both inspiration and perspiration to move forward in life.

Take a look at the lives of successful people. You will immediately notice that they are hard-working people.

Hardly anyone can achieve success without hard work.

People move forward in life when they put in massive efforts and time.

5. Do not blame others or make excuses

You need to take responsibility for your actions and decisions.

Some people have the habit of blaming others when things go wrong.

Some people make excuses for not accomplishing certain tasks on time.

Blaming others and making excuses will keep you in the same place for a long time.

If you desire to move forward then you need to take responsibility, own your mistakes, and move on.

We are all humans and we all commit mistakes all the time. Confessing your mistakes is not going to make you any smaller.

In fact, people will respect you for owning your mistakes and admitting them.

Be Grateful
Be Grateful | Source

6. Be grateful for how far you have come

Gratefulness is an attitude that will take you further in life more than anything else.

Develop an attitude of gratitude always.

Learn to be thankful for everything that you have.

Learn to be grateful for all the blessings that you have received.

Be grateful for the small things and the big things.

Being thankful releases powerful forces that will attract more blessings to your life.
Thankfulness will keep you moving forward.

7. Let go of the past

To move forward, you need to let go of the past.

If you keep dwelling in the past then you will never be able to move forward.

Looking back at the past becomes a heavy burden or baggage. It will keep you in the same place and it will drag you all the time.

The best thing to do is to forget the past because it is gone.

Instead, start looking to the Future.

Imagine a bright and successful future and it will be so. Don't rest on past laurels.

Forget the failures as well as the achievements of the past.

Learn from your past experiences but don't stay there. Keep moving forward.


If you implement these 7 principles in your life, then for sure that you will keep moving forward.

Life should always be progressing onward.

If it stays in the same place, then it results in stagnation, laziness, and degeneration.

The best way to stop this from happening is to keep moving forward without losing momentum.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Nitin Khaire


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