7 home remedies for diabetes mellitus
According to google search, the most sufferers from diabetes mellitus are in the most developed and inhabited countries in the world.
- India
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
I will not go into details explaining what this plague of a disease is. I want to point you to few home remedies for diabetes, that you may be unaware of:
1. Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum)
Healing part of the plant is the leaf mass, gathered when the Pelargonium blossoms actively. This herb not only lowers blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus but also lowers blood pressure and helps blood coagulation. This is awesome for diabetes mellitus, because sometimes the sufferers of this disease have wounds opening on their feet and skin ruptures.
You need to know that Pelargonium lowers VERY quick the blood glucose and need not to be overdosed, because it can lead to hypoglycaemia. Too low sugar may lead to comma.
How to use Pelargonium safely to normalize glucose levels?
40 freshly gathered leaves are cut to small pieces. One full jar of liquid honey is poured over (full jar is a little bit above 1 pound). The juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon is added and all this is mixed until it goes smooth.
One teaspoon of this herbal remedy is taken before every meal (3-4 times per day). Pelargonium has very sweet aroma and this herbal mix is quite good appetizer. Glucose level are safely normalized because of the honey inside the mix. Don't overdose it though.
If you feel hypoglycаemia coming, get a cube (or two) of sugar under your tongue until it dissolves completely. This should get your glucose back to above 4 mmol/l fast.
You can also make weaker herbal tea with Pelargonium. Put one leaf in a cup and pour hot water. The taste and aroma is great. And glucose will not drop that fast as with the honey mix.
2. Banaba (Legerstroemia speciosa)
Banaba is perennial tree native to Philippines and India. 60 feet tall with very good leaf mass used for various medicinal purpose. The most important of them is gathered from its blossoms and seedy fruits. They have one of the cheapest Insulin substitute.
People suffering from diabetes mellitus can drink infusion from the leafs and fruits to lower their glucose. Blood glucose levels are lowered by an acid named Corosolic Acid. Often extracts from this tree fruits is combined with other blood glucose lowering agents and are sold as capsules.
The other good word for Banaba is "weightloss". It is a mild diuretic, helping the body get rid of water and helping kidneys to work better.
The only bad part is "not tested if compatible with pregnancy". So gestational diabetes is better not be treated with this herb.
3. Green tea
Green tea is the best all-world-accessible antioxidant tea. It keeps the heart diseases at bay, rises body immune system, lowers risk of cancer and lowers glucose and cholesterol levels. Burns fat when used frequently and improves metabolism rate.
Green tea is also rich on Vitamin C, Potassium, Fluorine, Iodine, Copper and the whole gamma of Vitamin B.
4. Dry Bean Pods
This is one unknown diabetes mellitus trick to lower glucose level. Remove the beans (or cook them separately to a good and healthy meal). Boil a handful of the empty pods in a pint of water and let them cool. Sift. Pour some fresh lemon juice to improve the taste.
Prepare it in the evening and put it in the fridge for the next day.
Drink the infusion 3 times a day before meals. It is a very mild glucose lowering tea. Don't count on it if you are often going hyper.
5. Raw Onion juice.
Cut (slice) a small onion around the equator.
Put it in a glass of water.
Wait for 10 minutes.
You will see small milky strains going in the water from the onion.
Drink this every morning. Onion juices are proved to help pancreas produce more insulin. It is only good for type 2 diabetes, but it is cheap, and can be done at home.
Downfall - taste is awful and the aftertaste is even worse.
6. Apple vinegar.
You need healthy stomach for this one. If you are ulcer sufferer or can't stand vinegar, just skip this part.
2 tablespoons of natural apple vinegar before meal needs to be taken for a whole week. 50% lower glucose levels are observed in trials. People suffering from diabetes mellitus had shown improvement after 1-2 weeks.
According to the trial, vinegar slows glucose rising after meals to bearable levels even after very heavy carbohydrate meals.
The only downfall is - you need to make your own apple vinegar to be sure it is natural.
7. Drinks
1 glass of wine or
1 beer or
1 glass of Vodka or whatever you prefer.
Have this before lunch or dinner.
Alcohol slows the gluconeogenesis in the liver (creating of new glucose from the food) because the liver is busy working on this glass of wine you got before dinner.
Even people not suffering from diabetes mellitus can benefit from this. Some trial say that a 37% lower glucose levels are observed on post meal blood checks in people that drink moderately.
Downfall? Who can dine with only one glass of wine :D ?!