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10 Useful Tips to Give up Alcohol Addiction in your own

Updated on February 15, 2016

How to Give up Alcohol Addiction in your own?

Firstly, if you think you have serious drinking problem and experiencing the symptoms, you should admit to yourself that you need to quit alcohol. Now the question is “how”?

There are treatments available in the hospitals or rehabilitation center. But these may be costly. However there are ways to quit alcohol by your own. Cut down the consumption of alcohol. If you used to drinking 1 liter of beer a day, make it half. Drink slowly.

1. Stay away from temptation.

Do not keep alcoholism in office or in home. Choose healthy and alternative ways to forget the need of drinking alcohol again. Remove temptation from your sight.

Avoid places that may prompt you to drink. At first, it may be difficult, but in a couple of weeks, you may found it simple.

Choose to succeed.

Encourage your self to overcome alcoholism. There are many success stories that will inspire you to change.
Encourage your self to overcome alcoholism. There are many success stories that will inspire you to change.

2. Commit to stop drinking.

Most people fail to quit drinking alcohol because they are not committed to make a change. Recovery from an addiction is a gradual process. There are steps to follow. It cannot be done overnight.

It is very important to acknowledge your courage to avoid or even quit alcohol. The key to your recovery lies in your hand, it depend on how you react to every situation.

Enjoy a healthy life style.

Eat healthy foods, exercise and have a positive mind set. Changing your lifestyle could be tough at the beginning but later you will used to it. follow the 21 days habit.
Eat healthy foods, exercise and have a positive mind set. Changing your lifestyle could be tough at the beginning but later you will used to it. follow the 21 days habit.

3. Keep your body healthy.

Eat a balance diet daily. It is important to keep yourself healthy. Through it, you can avoid diseases and it can strengthen your immune system. Start eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Never skip meals. Skipping meals can do you no good.

Move your body. Have a 15 minute walk daily. Make a habit of exercising. Strive for a 3 or more aerobics exercise in a week. Have a good sleep always. By sleeping it can lessen you stress, reduce depression and also anxiety.

Always remember the power of water. Drinking plenty of water cleanses your body. If you feel healthy, you feel strong and happy with your life isn’t it?

4. Remember bad experiences with alcohol.

It does not mean dwelling on your mistakes. Never let your past ruin your present. Simply remember the past experiences as a motivation for your changes.

Tell yourself not to let alcohol ruin your life again. Learn from the past. This is the essence of remembering the bad days with alcohol.

5. Be thankful of the blessings.

Your creator gave you life not to wastes but to enjoy and to experience happiness. It was the spirit of alcohol that prevented you to see the beautiful things in life. It became a hindrance to your happiness. Close the door of being an alcohol addict and open the door to happiness.

Always be thankful with your blessings.

Live in a positive way. Feel blessed and enjoy life.
Live in a positive way. Feel blessed and enjoy life.

6. Be thankful of the blessings.

Your creator gave you life not to wastes but to enjoy and to experience happiness. It was the spirit of alcohol that prevented you to see the beautiful things in life. It became a hindrance to your happiness. Close the door of being an alcohol addict and open the door to happiness.

7. Change your attitude.

Change the way you think. Think positively toward life. Think for the better you, think of your future life. You can live a life without alcohol which is a meaningful and a blessed life. Decide to have a new and healthier life.

Choose to have a goal.

Goal setting is effective to achieve what you want to gain. A goal is a dream with deadline.
Goal setting is effective to achieve what you want to gain. A goal is a dream with deadline.

8. Set goals.

If you plan, make it. If you want to achieve something, set goals in life. Your goal should be specific, realistic, clear and better.

List the things you wanted to avoid. Track your achievements toward quitting alcohol. Ask yourself when you want to be free from alcohol, next month or next year? When you set goal, limit it.

Goals are dreams with limitation, if you do not limit yourself you perhaps, you will still die as an alcoholic. Have a diary. To help you reach our goal, make a diary. List down on what day you drink. In what day you where tempted to drink alcohol again. List the reasons why and also make comments. Give yourself a short term goal.

Divide your plans little by little and when you feel like achieving your shirt term goals, reward yourself for a while. Whenever you decide to cut alcohol intake gradually or completely delete it from your system, you may notice a number of differences. You can sleep better. You have higher energy. You are emotionally stable.

In the long run you also help yourself avoid high blood pressure, heart diseases and other ailment connected in alcohol addiction.

9. Reward yourself.

It is important to acknowledge the fruit of your success. It is nice to know that you are developing. It is also important not become so hard to yourself. Give yourself a break and a reward. If you feel like watching TV, then try to find a substitute for a wine. Try making healthy snacks with a fresh juice and joining your kids or family in the sofa. Treat yourself for an ice cream or a travel.

Never ever give up.

Stay positive . Giving up is only for those who never succeed.
Stay positive . Giving up is only for those who never succeed.

10. Don’t give up.

Most people do not cut down or quit alcohol all at once. It is very hard to achieve. Alcohol, being a part of your life is so hard to resist. Never ever give up. If you give up, you fail. But if you rise again, decide to quit alcohol again, and then you are doing it better. You just prove that you are committed with your decision to change.

Have you overcome your alcohol addiction?

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