The Ultimate Cellulite Remedy
Feeling good!
I've often wondered if there was such a thing as a cellulite remedy and if there was I probably wouldn't be able to afford it. Once I started to investigate I found that there is a cellulite remedy for everyone! Now I am not a doctor or any type of specialist I'm just a middle aged woman that doesn't like the look of cellulite. But with lots of research I have discovered so many different cellulite remedies and some that actually do work. There is LIPOSUCTION, too costly for me plus from what I have read it doesn't work most of the time. There is ENDERMOLOGIE, again, too costly for me but it does work if you have the money and time for continued treatments. How about MESOTHERAPY? This celluite remedy has been quite successful but you might need treatments for up to 12 weeks and again there is the cost. Then there are CELLULITE CREAMS and there are a lot of them on the market that actually work.
What is Cellulite?
Is there a Remedy?
Simply put Cellulite is fat that gets trapped beneath the skin and causes that dimpling or cottage cheese effect to the skin that we all abhor. We now know that genetics plays an important role in the equation of whether or not you will have to battle Cellulite and we can eliminate the myth that Cellulite is an obese problem. However, diet and a good exercise program along with weight lose can reduce the appearance of Cellulite. So, if grandma or Aunt Millie has Cellulite the odds are you might suffer with the problem too. Women will also notice the effects of Cellulite during hormonal changes such as pregnancy, puberty and even menopause. Don't forget another hormanal change might be for women who are taking birth control pills. These are some of the reasons why about 90% of women will have one form or another of Cellulite
What To Look For In A Cellulite Cream
#1 - Natural ingredients. Most will contain products that will tone the skin, eliminate excess water & increase cirulation.
#2 - Ease of Use. You can use a cellulite cream in the privacy of your own home. You usually apply to clean, dry skin in the evening before bed.
#3 - Quick Results. You can see results from a good cellulite cream in as little as 1 week.
Cellulite creams
You might as well try a cream.... What do you have to lose except those "cottage cheese" thighs.
Exercise can help.
These are quick and easy exercises we can all do and they have been proven to help
Top 5 Cellulite Remedies
Pick the one that will work for you
Decisions, decisions. It is very hard to know what will work best for you so here is a list of options.
#1- Liposuction. Where the fat is removed surgically. However this procedure is a temporary fix and it can be very costly not to mention the time spent for treatment.
#2 - Endermologie. This procedure was developed in France and has been FDA approved. It is the use of a motorized piece of equipment with rollers and controlled suction. As this roller system is used it increases the blood flow and assists in ridding the area of excessive fluids. This method is highly successful is very expensive and you need continued treatments.
#3 - Mesotherapy. This is a safe non-evasive cellulite remedy that is also used for spot weight reduction. This method uses very tiny needles which are inserted into the connective tissue under the skin and medicine is instilled which liquiefies the fat. The fat melts and is eliminated through the kidneys. Generally speaking this cellulite treatment is done weekly for up to 12 weeks. The cost will vary depending on the size of the area and the amount of treatments needed.
#4 - Triactive Laser Dermatology. Triactive Laser Dermatology uses 3 major actions as their cellulite treatment remedy. It uses 6 diode lasers that improve circulation, it deep massages and applies pressure to rid the area of excess fluids and lastly a cooling system that smooths the skin. This system was developed in Italy about 3 years ago and despite being a fairly new cellulite treatment ithas been shown to be highly effective.
#5 - Cellulite Creams. This is the chosen cellulite remedy for the majority of women. Cellulite creams are categorized as cosmetic creams not medical treatments. However, these creams have come a long way and have been proven to work. They contain natural ingredients, are easy to use and cost effective.