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A Peaceful Verses A Hostile Workplace

Updated on June 1, 2019
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Carolyn L. Butler is a preacher's kid and is from Bogalusa LA. She hold a BA in Economics and AD in Nursing. She is a nurse and a writer.


Hostile Environment

Safety and Health

Work is something that most people do for a living. It is not great when the environment there is hostile. Can we work in peace in a selfish world? Maybe not, but it is worth a try. Becoming aware of those around us may be a good place to start. Each person is important and should be treated with respect. Remember this is work. Keep focus.

Let me clarify what is meant by peaceful workplace. It's important because there are workplaces that have loud notices from machinery. Some workers may need to talk loud as part of the job in order to communicate. This is different from what is meant here. This peace is where the environment is healthy, non threatening, non violent, nonargumentative, non hostile and similar things. The employees are not involved in this. The environment is the focus.

A hostile workplace is one where the employees are threatening, violent, argumentative, hostile and more of the same. If this is happening , the environment is not healthy and not safe. Immediate attention is needed.

Early Detection and Intervention

The hustle and bustle of live can take a toll on a person. This may be part of the problem. Whatever the problem may be, a solution is needed. Each person needs to come to work prepared and ready to work. This helps makes the workplace a better place to be.

It is possible that rest periods or time off is needed. Someone needs to catch this before it gets out of hand. Who is someone? That can be you, me or anyone present. Employees need to report to their supervisor anything that is abnormal and leading to aggression.

The supervisor is possibly already on alert that there is a problem. Don't take that for granted. You do not know for sure. It maybe that something new is occuring. It is important that he or she be informed about situations that appear unsafe.

Early detection and intervention are important. It can help resolve and possibly help prevent a situation from getting out of control. Continue to do your job while keeping an eye on your surroundings.

A question can be asked , “how am I to do all of that?, ‘I have my job to do.” Good question! This is an observation noticed in the work day. Safety is something that must be maintained at all times and involves the help of each person.

Maintaining Peace

Let's talk about some helpful tips used to help maintain peace. See below:

1. Proper screening and training of staff.
2. Early detection and intervention.
3. Start out on the right foot at the beginning of the day.
4. Clear your mind before you get to work.
5. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
6. If conflict occurs, notify your supervisor right away.
7. Maintain self control.
8. Conflict should not be handled in the work area, but in a safe designated area by a supervisor.

Hostile Environment

A hostile environment has no place in the work place and can be dangerous. Make every effort to be safe. Remember to notify your supervisor if you observe anything unusual. Early detection is very important and can save lives.

There are times the person may continue to escalate. Remain calm. Someone execute the facility emergency plan as instructed in this type of situation. If there is no plan or your mind is blank. Remember safety first. Dial 911 if possible.

Sometimes an aggressive person may act out in the presence of others. There is an audience and the show is in progress. It is possible that the aggression can occur when a person is alone. Be safe and aware of your surroundings. If possible draw attention to yourself, for example talk loud, sneeze loud, cough loud as if almost choking, accidently knock something over to make a sound. Don't hurt yourself. Now if you are physically attacked you may have to go farther than the examples. Hopefully help is available. Let's hope things never get this bad. The true is it's possible. Be watchful at all times.

Remember early intervention is important. Be alert and make sure you know your employer’s guidelines for emergencies in the workplace. Peace is better than hostility. Putting safety first can save lives.


This article is written to bring awareness to hostile situations that can occur in the workplace. Helpful tips are given to help bring about a peaceful and a safe outcome.

I am a nurse and have experience in different areas of nursing. The hostility I see today is with staff and can occur with others. This should not be. There is help available to employers and to employees. Bringing awareness to this problem can help with a solution to this huge problem.

May our work places be safe and peaceful. “Let there be peace on earth and let it began with me.”
Author, Carolyn L. Butler

Maintaining Peace

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Carolyn Loraine Butler


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