A Tree House ... my place to love!
A Nest in the Sky
I am happiest walking through different neighborhoods where I live with my dog Bella! Always an adventure of the unknown from one day to the next, never knowing when I am going to be gifted from the Universe with a gentle tap on my shoulder nudging me to open my heart to a new perspective of life waiting for me to discover.
Recently Nature once again drew my attention to the magnificence of my friends the trees. I am mesmerized by their strength of character. Their movement within the confines of the limited air space that allows them to dance on the windiest of days is a view of elegance any time of the season. Their roots run deep with a heritage that surpasses the generations of our time here on earth in most cases. They are a source of life helping to cleanse the air we breathe, procreating with the millions of seeds that fly through the air every spring, and are a source of shelter for so many animals that we share our lives with.
Their attire of a particular season is a sparkling gem for anyone’s eyes to capture. Whether it is the sprouting of spring’s first buds, summer’s green leaves, or the rainbow of colors that fall’s foliage speckles the skies with....always an amazing display of Nature’s cycle of life for the human eyes to absorb. Even on the coldest of winter’s days where trees stand naked of any adornment their raw beauty of strength and grace will lift your eyes to heaven viewing their fingers reaching for the stars. Absolutely stunning!
I have decided I want to add a new dimension to my life that can only be provided by one of my friends from the tree family. I would desire to have a tree house built in the name of “Love”. A nest perched high off the ground that would enrich my life as Nature and I dance one step closer to the melding of our two hearts. A place that allows me to sway a bit when the wind decides to come to visit with a roar, or relax underneath a star lit sky where I too feel that the twinkling night’s canopy is within my embrace.
So as I day dream of lying beneath a starlit sky perhaps a falling star will next dance my way during one of my evening strolls. I wish, I wish….for a tree house with a spectacular view! Some place of solitude or a nest big enough for two. A place where love of nature, self, and heart is free to flourish, a personal space to honor the gifts received from my friends....the Trees!