Death is one of the greatest motivations for living
Time is a strange thing
Most of us only live
for the time that lies
right ahead of us.
A few days, weeks, years.
One of the most painful moments
in a person’s life
comes with the inside
that an age has been reached
when there is more to look back on
than ahead.
You start to evaluate
Some relationships
were not forever ones
And some are here to stay
but they just change form
Older you become
You know it isn’t just over yet
You are just changing
You are just ageing
And yes, knowing that
is comforting,
but not always easy
transformation unfolds effortlessly
and sometimes
it feels like pain
But pain is not suffering
with you anymore
You feel it
breathe into it
so deep submerge your heart
in pressure to come out
laughing still
Because you know
this is the right thing to do
you know that sometimes
what is best
is to go through
what you don’t want to
to live the life you want to
It breaks my heart
to see too many people
living like they have all the time
in the world
You don’t!
I want to shout
passing them by
Just leave the job
you hate
Leave the relationship
you know you don’t want to be in
Walk away from people who abuse you
Get your fingers out of your throat
Take that blade off your skin
Stop looking in the mirror with so much hate
Tell the one you haven’t told, how much you love them
Ignorance is not a bliss
for one ageing old soul
We feel what is unspoken
even if we don't know
how to name it
if we don't understand it
we start to doubt ourselves
and we feel lost
We need to find ways to make sense
of what doesn't make sense at all
Because we know in our hearts
we feel in our body
The number of people
I meet who tell me
they stayed in a situation
or a relationship
well after
they knew
the love was gone is endless
for years and years
they struggle…
Because they are so terrified
of everything falling apart
all the time
it keeps making it worse and worse and worse
nothing is working
they are exhausted and scared
built on an illusion
so thick
they are just pretending to live
So they go under
instead of through
older you become
you know you have no time
Because under takes more effort as
you have to climb back up
And while through may feel scarier
it's the fastest,
cleanest way to get where you want to go
It demands you be honest
direct and sincere
it may seem excruciating
So is living this one life
you get in a way
that doesn't feel true for you
Time is a curious thing indeed
And when time no longer lies
ahead of one,
other things have pops into his mind
Memories perhaps
Afternoon in the sun
with someone’s hand
clutched in one’s own.
The fragrance of flowers in fresh bloom
Sundays in a cafe or wilderness perhaps
Grandchildren yes
But they have their own lives to live
One apparently finds a way of living
for the sake of someone else’s future
but is it just giving your life over
like some unwanted gift?
It is still time to dream your own dreams
and live your own life
does it really matter
how short that road of yours
has become?