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Acid Reflux: GERD and the creation of sinister drugs that cause the killing of the GI tract and GI Organs
Acid Reflux, or GERD and the creation of a Disease that is killing Mankind
By Meredith Iager
What is Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux symptoms are known as "GERD," which essentially acid reflux is, that the pharmaceuticals created a title for, or created a disease. It is a controversial issue that is common problem around the globe, and nearly a third of Americans are utilizing Proton Pump Inhibitor medications to severely lower or eliminate acid (depending on PPI or H-2 blocker – OTCs) the HCL (acid) in their stomach to help address their acid reflux symptoms. But, how many people on these medications have actually gotten better from their PPI? Maybe the people that had some gastritis that needed to be healed in a short amount of time 2-3 weeks at 40mg daily.
PPIs are being over prescribed and can do more harm than good (causing gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, loss of gallbladder, liver and pancreas problems, and bone fractures and breakage – essentially when you don’t need them for a short period of time and are given them with no testing and real diagnosis they are deadly -- they kill you from the inside out.
The majority of the time people complaining of reflux are either stressed causing an acid backwash or they are overweight causing “heartburn.” Over eating, or eating foods that disagree with your stomach is something you simply don’t do, but many people won’t give up certain foods; hence their vicious cycle of heartburn symptoms. When over eating acid symptoms can turn into, chest pain, abdominal pain, burping, nausea, and acid backing up into your esophagus, into your throat, causing painful burning. Proton Pump Inhibitors should be a last resort item on your checklist, as they can cause severe problems (as mentioned above when you don’t have a condition like gastritis and just heartburn – these PPIs cause the severe problems they are supposedly trying to treat.
Heartburn can be eliminated by eating healthy and reducing stress in your life. Speak to a dietitian or nutritionist about this). Over time if you do not change your diet your acid issue can create inflammations and more severe problems such as Barrett's Esophagus, or Zollinger Ellison Syndrome. These conditions can lead to cancerous polyps or esophageal cancer. So, a healthy diet is prominent to reducing your acid reflux problems.
Testing For Acid Control Problems
Before going on a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor; acid lowering medications that lower your acid level to 99%) you need to have the following done 2 tests done by a Gastroenterologist:
1) An Endoscopy - this can show inflammation in your esophagus, stomach, and about 1 foot down into your small intestine (always ask for a pediatric endoscope - it is smaller and less invasive - as the larger one is like a cable to your TV) which is the duodenum area (the first part of the small intestine). The endoscopy is performed by a Gastroenterologist and during the procedure you are out with anesthesia, and they typically do a few biopsies (samples of tissue taken in inflamed or non-irritated areas). These samples of tissue determine if you have any of the following conditions: Celiac Sprue, H-Pylori Infection, Parasites, etc. Inflammations found, are usually treated 1-2 weeks 40mg of a PPI medication - if you have no other infections present. This can be called gastritis if it is in your stomach lining, but other areas of the GI tract are called different things. It depends where the inflammations are found. For example: in your duodenum area, it is called duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum, the first part of your small intestine).
2) Heidelberg Test - these tests can determine acid level and PH levels. With this test result, your doctor can tell how significant your problems are, and the appropriate treatment. If this turns out to be low acid, you do not need a PPI. You need to control your diet. Lowering acid, when you already have low acid, is very dangerous.
Issues with PPI Drugs, Side Effects
If you are not properly diagnosed, and put on a PPI medication, you are risking gallbladder issues, infections, stomach inflammation, yeast bacterial overgrowth, and severe vitamin deficiencies that are essential for many functions in the body such as: vitamin B-12, and other B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and a host of others. After all we have stomach acid to rid of bad bacteria from food we eat for a reason. Also, PPIs have been known to reduce gallbladder function, according to medical studies. Also when you have low or no acid, infections can start to brew causing you more pain and problems. The FDA warns about the risks of getting infections when you are taking a PPI. Stomach inflammation or gastritis can be caused by infections as well. The FDA also warns about bone, hip fractures and breaking due to over use of PPI drugs. These drugs can make your acid issues worse if taken then stopped promptly - called the "acid rebound effect." Remember to eliminate spicy, high fat, processed, high acid foods, or harder foods to digest like meats. These all make your symptoms of indigestion or high acid worse.
Alternatives to Helping Digestion, and Acid Reflux
There are many alternatives that can help with acid issues. You can use a teaspoon of baking soda, in a half glass of water (which can naturally reduce some acid) or by drinking soothing coconut water. This can help calm your stomach, the acid indigestion, burping, pain, and help balance PH levels in the gut. Most doctors (unless they are naturopathic, herbal, or holistic) won't suggest this as they are mostly going by AMA standards, and want to use a PPI. Also taking a few table spoons of honey a day can help sooth your throat and esophagus, and honey is also an anti-infective and can naturally heal. The DGL tablet (a formulated licorice chewable) is great to take before you eat a meal to line your stomach. Also Aloe Vera gel and Coconut gel pills, all help the lining of your digestive track. Also consider a probiotic daily to promote good gut flora, and a digestive enzyme with every meal.
Websites to Read about These Issues: