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Addiction of CIGARETTES

Updated on June 19, 2020
Alien Raja profile image

i am medical student doing mbbs.And i have studied about harmfull effects of smoking and i am writing my views about smoking


It is estimatated that drugs have been used in different forms since before christ.Cigarettes are also a type of drugs that contain nicotine,people gradually become addicted to it.Cigarettes were first used in China and United States.China has most tobacco users over 300 million.But in the last few years use of cigarettes in india and pakistan has been rise at an alarming rate.

College and University student start smoking cigarettes as a fashion and then get used of it.Cigarrettes contain nicotine which can make a person addicted to it.

Cigarettes are smoked by over 1 Billion people which is nearly 20% of world population.Smoking rates have declined in developed nations like in United States,in developing nations tobacco consumption continues to rise.More than 80% of all smokers live in countries with low or middle income.

Smoking more than 25 cigarettes in a day called Heavy smoking.

Smoking less than 5 cigarettes in a day called Light smoking


Nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco smoke are easily absorbed into the blood through the lungs. From there, nicotine quickly spreads throughout the body. When taken in small amounts, nicotine causes pleasant sensations and distracts the user from unpleasant sensations. This makes the tobacco user want to consume more. Nicotine works much like other addictive drugs, flooding the brain's reward circuits with a chemical called dopamine. Nicotine also produces a bit of adrenaline, not enough to notice it, but enough to accelerate the heart and raise blood pressure. Nicotine reaches the brain seconds after taking a puff, and its effects begin to wear off within minutes. . The user may start to feel irritated and nervous. It usually does not reach the point of severe withdrawal symptoms, but the smoker becomes more uncomfortable over time. This is what most often leads the smoker to light up again. At some point, the person uses tobacco, the unpleasant feelings disappear and the cycle continues. If the smoker doesn't start smoking again soon, withdrawal symptoms worsen over time.


1.Smoking has serious effects on human health.It can cause Lungs,Throat,stomach and gall bladder cancer.

2.It also a cause of Heart diseases.

3.Cigarettes accelerate the process of aging.

4.There is a list of diseaaes caused directly or indirectly by smoking like liver cancer,vission loss,colorectal cancer.

Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in United States including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from second hand smoke exposure.

More than 1000 american and same number of indian stop smoking daily by dying

WHO has been monitoring 6 MPOWER measures to stop smoking

1.Raise taxes on tobacco

2.Enforce bans on tobacco advertising and promotion.

3.warn people about the dangers of smoking.

4.Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies.

5.protect people from tobacco use.

6.Offer help to quit tobacco use.

I think in films and dramas smoking should be baned because most young people start smoking when they see their favourite characters smoking.


If you really want to get rid of tobacco you can use following method.


Quitting smoking without the help of NRTs is very difficult because nicotine is a powerfull addictive.NRTs can reduce the craving and withdrawl symptoms you experience that may hinder you to stop smoking.

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved five types of NRTs

.Skin patches

.Chewing gum


.Nasal spray


If you have decided to go down through NRTs route discuss your dose with doctor,then use it according to prescription.


The FDA have approved two non nicotine containing drugs.These are BUPROPION and VARENICLINE.


There are some other therapies that might helpfull to quit smoking but they are not very effective and sometimes they could make a person to smoke more.

.Electronic cigarettes

.Nicotine drinks,straws and lip balms


.smoking deterrents

.Magnet therapy

.Cold laser therapy

.yoga,mindfulness and meditation

Which type of smoker you are

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