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A Basic Outline Of All Autism Spectrum Disorders

Updated on September 3, 2016

The Umbrella Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Five Basic Forms Of Autism

The five most common Autism Spectrum Disorders that are presently classified by the health professionals who currently work in the medical field will include the basic Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Retts Syndrome Disorder, and the Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Each disorder is very different from the other, but some are also very similar.

Autistic Disorder

Last For Entire Lifetimes

The Autistic Disorder presently affects one out of every sixty-eight newborns that are born in the United States. Normally the signs of Autism tend to occur more often in young boys rather than baby girls. The disorder often affects a patient in a vast number of different areas. There is currently no cure found for Autism and the majority of Autistic disorders will last for entire lifetimes. Most Autistic patients will tend to do much better on particular task that only involve immediate memory and very basic visual skills. The task involving symbolic and abstract thinking are much more difficult for those suffering with the Autistic disorder. In general, the disorder will significantly affect a patients social interactive abilities, severe difficulties with basic communication skills, and harshly underdeveloped verbal skills. The Autistic patient will normally exhibit severe issues with the ability to simply pay attention, but others are incapable of shaking away the endless nervous tic. Most patients living under the spectrum are completely incapable of ever recognizing other peoples feelings or emotions. Many patients will often suffer harshly with many particular obsessive interest and certain compulsive interest. It might possibly be the profuse repetitive movements, persistent repitition of actions, impulsitivity, or the intense interest in only a very limited number of certain activities. Often a severely Autistic patient will very rarely ever make any form of eye contact with other individuals. Sometimes an Autistic patient will experiance strong frustrations, endure extreme anxiety, or even feel high levels of stress. Commonly while feeling under great stress or strong frustrations the Autistic patient could engage in a multitude of different dangerous things. At times they often will display strongly aggressive and highly disruptive types of behaviors. On occasions they will become so highly upset to the point of breaking things, hitting others, grabbing at others in public places, or even very well do harm to themselves. Commonly Autistic patients will normally have many emotional problems because of there difficulty with regulating there own emotions or even simply expressing themselves appropriately to others. Generally an Autistic patient could possibly begin screaming aloud, yelling loudly, crying aloud, or even laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. A caregiver has to constantly pay very close attention to sudden changes in the voice levels, unusual body language, strange gestures, weird facial expressions, sensitivity to sounds, and even exhibiting sensitive behaviors to light. Most Autistic patients will often naturally possess many severe sensory problems. On average, they will either over-react or sometimes even under-react to all forms of sensory stimuli. Usually very loud sounds will greatly disturb the Autistic patient and they will viciously cover there ears up to seek comfort. Autistic patients also can be highly sensitive to basic touch and texture exercises. Some Autistic patients will have absolutely no display of empathy, no resistance for being touched, or even a stronger resistance against any type of sudden changes in there daily schedules. Although, in some cases of Autistic disorder a patient will significantly excel in certain abilities such as advanced mathmatics, others will excel on a professional level for reading music, and some are even capable of memorizing the layout of entire maps with lighting fast speed.

Asperger's Syndrome

Causes Of The Syndrome Are Unknown

The Asperger's Syndrome was named after a Austrian doctor who first described the disorder in the year of 1944. This particular doctors name was Doctor Hans Asperger who described the syndrome as a developmental disorder that harshly affects a patients basic ability to properly communicate or even simply socialize. Although, the many symptoms of the disorder will typically range from mild to severe. Many patients currently living with the Asperger's Syndrome are sometimes highly intelligent, they could have near normal language development skills, but may develop issues with there communication abilities as they age. In fact, often a patient living with the syndrome will have average or even higher intelligence levels than others living without the syndrome. This commonly helps many patients to be fully capable of functioning very well in society. Typically an Asperger's patient is completely uncapable of using the imagination department of the brain, will tend to behave very eccentricly, always preoccupied with highly unusual, and very strange rituals. Some common examples normally consist of the profuse finger twisting, repetive wringing of the hands, developing very odd, and peculiar order for simple things. Some Asperger specialist currently believe that the syndrome possibly could run in families and could very well be inherited through the genes. Many great controversies currently remain about the different aspects of the disorder. The total percentage of people affected with Asperger's Syndrome has never been firmly established. There presently is no cure for the Asperger's Syndrome and the causes of the disorder are presently not known.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

Highly Rare Disorder

A highly rare disorder that has only recently been officially recognized by the health specialist currently working in the medical field. The disorder is so highly rare that it only presently affects two out of every one-hudred-thousand children that are born in the United States today. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is also often referred to as the Heller Syndrome or sometimes called Disintegrative Psychosis. It is a newer medical condition that is not quite fully understood by the health specialist at the current time. The basic symptoms commonly include strange instances of where small children will develop perfectly normal only up to three to four years of age. Suddenly over a few short months parents will often describe a steep decline in a childs ability to speak, lost of all language skills that already were mastered, unable to play normally with other children, withdrawal from human contact, and the potty training skills have been completely lost. The disorder is so highly rare that presently there has not been enough data collected about the disorder at the current time. No single explanation has been identified for the disintegrative nature of the disorder and there is still no evidence of the long term effects of children presently living with the rare condition.

Retts Syndrome Disorder

A Syndrome That Only Affects Little Girls

The Rett's Syndrome is a rare brain development disorder that exclusively only affects little girls. Rett's Syndrome disorder was first described by a pediatricion from Austria by the name of Doctor Andreas Rett in the year of 1966. Doctor Rett described many severe symptoms that come along with the Rett's Syndrome. Whenever newborn boys develop the Rett's Syndrome they will always die shortly after there birth. There currently are fewer than one-thousand girls diagnosed with the disorder each year in the United States. Some common symptoms of the Rett's Syndrome normally will involve a loss of muscle tone, abnormal breathing patterns, sensory problems, seizures, loss of coordination, repetive movements, unable to speak, scoliosis, not capable of understanding, and slowness in the thought process. Most girls living with the syndrome will completely loose purposeful use of there hands, constantly rubbing the hands together, profusely wringing of the hands, and repetively putting the hands in the mouth. Other girls living with the syndrome will be consistent at grinding the teeth together, profuse drooling, always having loud screaming fits, and uncontrollable tremors. The majority of little girls diagnosed with the syndrome can only expect to live until around middle age. Commonly a patient diagnosed with the Rett's Syndrome will exhibit symptoms of either a slow-worsening condition or a steadily-remaining stable condition. Currently today there is no known method for preventing the disorder. Presently there is no found method for curing the Rett's Syndrome disorder and it can last for a patients entire lifetime.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder

Not Autism And Not Aspergers

A Pervasive Developmental Disorder diagnosis simply means that a patient does not exhibit enough of the common symptoms to be categorized with the Autistic Spectrum Disorder nor the Asperger's Syndrome. A child could possibly still display many of the similar symptoms of Autism, but has fewer perseverative behaviors than a child who has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. Pervasive Developmental Disorder is commonly referred to as "Atypical Personality Development." Children diagnosed with the Pervasive Disorder are much less impaired than a full blown Autistic child. Generally the majority of children living with the disorder have the ability to function highly, but will often experience various types of cognitive issues. The Center for Disease and Control estimates that presently one in fifty children born in the United States are currently living with one of the five disorders that are classified under the Autistism Spectrum Disorder Umbrella.

True Stories From Parents Who Are Raising Severley Autistic Children


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