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Best Smoking Alternatives

Updated on February 15, 2019
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We know Smoking kills. I hope my articles can give you the incentive to quit.



Overcome the desire to pick up a cigarette and smoke, alternatives that may help the quitter are listed below and there are plenty of other hubs to help you too.

I have found that exercise is the best option available to me and I hope that those who are serious about giving up smoking and who are looking for ideas every hour of the day will find this useful.

I am well on the way to giving up smoking and it has not and is not easy. Every day is a new challenge and the way that I have dealt with it is by telling myself that I can and will do it.

Exercise has played a huge part in helping me to continue with my quitting.

Every morning I walk for at least an hour to overcome the need to have a cigarette. If you have been a smoker for a number of years like me you will find that first thing in the morning is the worse time and the need to do something that will stop you from grabbing for that ciggy has to come in to play.

By putting your coat and boots on and breathing in the fresh air once you go outside the positively returns to you and the feeling of fresh air in your lungs makes you feel positively wonderful!

The other alternative would be to get onto an exercise bike, whether in the gym or at home using one like the one in the picture in your own home or going out for a ride on a push bike all of these examples may help you not to smoke.

This video may help

Discussing the urge with someone who cares

Discussing the urge with friends and family is another option available to you and it has worked for me on numerous ocassions.

At that crucial time when you really are desperate just mentioning it to a friend, a family member or indeed your work colleague can really help, in fact whoever you think is prepared to listen, such as the doctor, postman, neighbour who ever is available around you at the time. The individual normally has a way of making you feel good about yourself by giving you positive feedback to how well you are doing and also reminding you of why you are giving up in the first place.

Instead of going for the biscuit barrel I would also suggest grabbing a huge glass of water and downing it as fast as you can, this has worked on a number of occasions for me, don't ask me why but it has!

Do something constructive, pick up a pen and pad and write, or go on to the web, you need to find something that really interests you to take your mind away from the situation and the way you are feeling.

Believe me I know and the answer is not simple it takes pure determination.

Say to yourself I can and will refrain from having a cigarette.

And if the urge is still there then it's time to go for another walk. Walking will help to clear your mind of the thoughts that you are having. You will return feeling refreshed and pleased with yourself that you didn't pick up another cigarette. And, you will still be a no smoker.

More inspiration from others

Put your hands to good use

I have found that my hands have become a very big problem.

To overcome this I am using a stress ball, whenever I need a cigarette I pick up the stress ball and squeeze the frustration out into the ball. Sounds silly maybe, but for me it works and I suggest you try it yourself.

Alternatively, I clean or cook, brush the dog, iron, or write on my hub!

Your hands when giving up smoking are another huge obstacle that you have to overcome, you must and I think you will find something to do with them at those stages when you really are tempted to have a cigarette.

I have also found that if you put a pen in your hand or alternatively a pencil this can sometimes help the situation too.

Knowing the contents may help you on your way to giving up
Knowing the contents may help you on your way to giving up | Source

Be positive, think positive and succeed


You can see more of my thoughts at

© 2012 Trudy Cooper


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