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An Interview with Hope4Cancer Director Dr. Antonio Jimenez About Surviving Stage IV Cancer

Updated on January 3, 2016

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D.

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D., treats late-stage cancer patients.
Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D., treats late-stage cancer patients. | Source

Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy is one of many treatments he uses

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, MD treats patients other oncologists have given up on.

Typically, they contact him only after it's clear radiation and chemotherapy aren't working.

By that time, they're very sick.

Sometimes, they arrive at Hope4Cancer, his Tijuana clinic, in a hospital gurney. But, even if they're able to walk through the door, they're extremely fragile, physically and emotionally.

“Stage IV patients require a lot of attention,” he noted.

Despite the circumstances, Dr. Jimenez is able to help the vast majority of the people he sees. About 90 percent of his stage IV cancer patients live longer than predicted, with a quality of life than also exceeds expectations, he said.

One of the first things he does is wean people off morphine, a drug advanced cancer patients are given to control pain. Morphine depresses the immune system and the body’s regulatory mechanisms. It also causes constipation, making it difficult for patients to eliminate harmful toxins from the body.

About 25 percent of these “terminal” patients who come to Hope4Cancer find the cure they're looking for. They have long-term “remissions” and live cancer free for many years.

Many Patients Find Hope Across the Border

Tijuana, Mexico is just across the US border. Many patients travel there for medical treatments not available in the United States or other in countries.
Tijuana, Mexico is just across the US border. Many patients travel there for medical treatments not available in the United States or other in countries. | Source

Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy

Sono-Photo Dynamic therapy (SPDT) is a treatment pioneered by Dr. Jimenez and two other cancer researchers, one located in London and the other in China.

SPDT uses light and sound waves to kill cancer cells throughout the body, although specific areas can also be targeted. This non-toxic, non-invasive therapy can be done repeatedly, if that's what a patient needs.

Patients must ingest a sensitizing agent and wait 24 hours. That's because the agent is absorbed by all cells, but healthy cells will release it within a day. The cancerous cells won't.

When light and sound are applied, at specific frequencies, the sensitizing agent turns into free radical oxygen and the cancer cells die.

How Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy Works

How Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy Kills Cancer Cells
How Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy Kills Cancer Cells | Source

Using Light and Sound to Kill Tumors

Dr. Jimenez said it's important to use both light and sound as they have different properties. Light waves are good at targeting specific areas. “While we have developed highly penetrative pulsed LED light technology,we still need another method to reach deep inside the body” he explained. “That is where the ultrasound technology becomes important.”

The Hope4Cancer website explains that SPDT is very effective against breast and prostate cancers and other malignancies close to the skin. For deep body tumors, such as those found in the bowel, SPDT is used in conjunction with hyperthermia, a highly effective cancer treatment widely employed at cancer clinics across the world.

SPDT also works well for small tumors, such as bone metastasis, according to Hope4Cancer.

Photo Dynamic Therapy (the therapy that uses light only) has been used by mainstream physicians for well over 100 years. Only recently, though, have non-toxic sensitizers made it possible to effectively treat cancer patients.

Currently, Photo Dynamic Therapy is available in mainstream medical settings throughout the European Union. Dr. Jimenez said that it's also approved in the United States for skin, stomach and esophageal cancer.

Dr. Jimenez, a conventionally trained physician, grew up in the United States and received his medical degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara Faculty of Medicine in Guadalajara. He practices what his website calls “complementary therapies.”

In addition to Sono-Photo Dynamic therapy and hyperthermia, these treatments include biological dentistry, nutritional therapy, immunological treatments, laetrile, high-dose vitamin C, Iscador (Mistletoe) and AloeMed, a highly concentrated formula derived from the Aloe Vera plant.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition.

This article is written only for discussion purposes. People with health concerns should discuss them with a medical professional they trust. The author claims no responsibility for treatment decisions or any adverse outcome.

Dr. Antonio Jimenez Explains how SPDT Works


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