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Are You Finding Yourself in This Life

Updated on April 21, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Find Yourself

I often heard people say they are ‘’Finding themselves.’’

Are you still finding yourself?

How do you get to know yourself?

From the day you are born, you have found yourself and that is something that can’t be erased. Though you can discover who you are, by exploring the one person nobody else can do, but you.

What gives you the wrong idea of yourself?

You feel you owe something to yourself and do not know what it is, and decide to travel to another part of the world to find yourself.

What is it that you want to do with yourself when old enough?

You know what you have to offer to others and in this way, you find your capabilities. A process that leads you to seeing you for who you are. Everything you do will show you, your true being.

You can be the best parent, the best partner, the best helper or the best decorator. People are affected by negative issues and it initiates a journey to finding ourselves.

You break down in a crisis, be vulnerable in such situations and focus on reflections that take you away from the reality of life In this case, you get familiar with your power.

Nothing should be feared or avoided. An adventure for every individual is to find themselves at some point in their lives.

Here is to find yourself.

To find yourself, take a look into your past and figure out what happened there that got you to this position. Explore what caused you to be in this way in the first place; such as your actions or the actions of others.

To find out why your behaviour is the way it is. Your past has an importance in your life in the present. You can’t change who you are but you can think differently to solve the past issues.

Do the sensible approach and relive what you did in the past that made you feel this way. Everything in your childhood takes on a stepping stone to going forward in your adulthood.

To be able to find yourself, you need to put that bad behind you and move on to have a mindful experience. Your well-being is crucial and you need to leave what hurt you in the past to have a happier present life. We grow and adapt to have better lives, but what we do not realize is how much we become like our parents.

For example:

You were raised in a troubled environment. Your parents treated you as if you did not mean much to them. They hurt you for no reason or make you feel insecure.

It is these vulnerable moments that make a child grow with a weak personality. Painful childhood experiences give people’s behaviors a bad approach making them feel less challenged and out of shape.

Do you know what makes you truly happy?

What makes you feel you want to find yourself?

The type of behaviour that pushes you into that path to want you to find yourself is an obstacle. You need to get away from that monotonous lifestyle. The issues from your past troubles you, and these actions flow into your present experiences making you feel lost.

When you hide from a troubled past it automatically covers your true experiences. Clean up your past and move on to a new goal in your present life. It is challenging to have to go through such experiences, but these moments are conflicts that have to go away from your mind.

Connect with others and self-understand your opportunities. You can choose however you want to be and think for yourself. Strive to become independent, build your character and be active.

Think about what works for you and what keeps you happy and keep away from harmful influences. Choose insights to remain strong.

Avoid spending time with people who have negative thoughts. Personality traits that bore you or have a negative insight are to be left alone.

Do not think of the bad childhood experience that could hurt you forever. The positive way is to develop your own beliefs and to grow into your person and new insights.

In your life, you need to be on that pedestal and carry on with your events. Forget about what hurt you and made you feel unhappy. Develop your strengths and ignore your weaknesses.

Seek your purpose and the meaning of your life to survive circumstances. To find yourself you need to find out your values, expectations, and look at your personal sense of life. This is to find yourself and not to be concerned with what others are doing with their lives.

It is not that you are being selfish, but making your life right for you. The meaning of having your life than to make the lives of others your focus.

You tend to focus on what you do not want rather than focus on what you do. When you find yourself it is a choice you make to feel and want what is good for you.

You feel you want something on a deeper level and feel happy about that, and you develop based on the strength of your power.

To feel alive and create a healthier you. Emotionally, you want to get out there and find yourself. Be your person and stand up for your rights.

Achieve healthy friendships have an open mind and accept criticism. You are the one to take control of yourself, Stand your ground and take power in everything you do.

Be in control, don't let yourself be controlled by others. Losing yourself before finding yourself is another way to observe your life. Improve your mental, physical, emotional and psychological health before finding yourself. Your journey is valuable and makes the most of it.

What makes you different?

First accept you then accept others. True happiness comes from within. You are who you are, and recognize yourself without changing your image. Be yourself and accept others.

Understand what makes you feel happy and what makes you who you are. I share with my different lifestyle As time passes I see how people have changed in their environment.

It is not something that would change for the better overnight, nor is it as bad as the others hype about it.

The many fruit trees are flourishing hoping to have pears, Loquats, olives, peaches, figs, cherries, and vegetables. Adventures are fun and exciting, to meet new people and to prepare tasty meals.

Loquats are round, big and yellow and not yet time for the harvest of the delicious fruit. Passion fruit is a new fruit, but no fruit has been bred from this plant.

Quince jelly made from homegrown quinces is an appreciation. Observing plants grow and bear fruit is an amazing feeling.

Find Yourself

Mahatma Gandhi once said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Konavle surroundings

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Loquats among my favorites | Source
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View from you home | Source
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Jasmine flowers | Source

Be yourself!

Are you finding yourself?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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