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Be the One to Lighten up Your Day

Updated on December 2, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Positive people are happier

Lighten up your path with a smile or a kind gesture.

Life is what you make of it!

You have experiences and everything happens for a reason.

There are some events you can't prevent, and there are those events, that can ruin you for a lifetime.

Nagging at each other and thinking everything will work out is another issue with many people. The many incidents that one thinks they can avoid are often not the case because life is full of surprises and experiences.

The traumatic experiences lead to frustration and the constant thought of, ''if only.'' A precious gift to you and is not wrapped in a bow is a perfect gift to share your life with and to share your experiences with others in life.

It is a valuable lesson to learn from and through your experiences, you realize, that the special moments are worthy and appreciated. Be it a car accident, or any mishap that put you in that uncomfortable position life goes on and you move on with that experience.

Sometimes you wish you could retrace your footsteps and see how you could have changed your plans to avoid that accident. Unfortunately, you can't undo what has already been done.

How do you make the constant questions disappear?

Do you wish, you could turn back the years?

I know what that means to wish the clock could go back, but I don't think of my life in that way. Focus on what you can change forget about what you can't change.

The past is not a place to be. Through every experience, you learn a new lesson. See yourself as that great and happy person. During your worst times, you will feel nothing ever is going well.

The idea is to get up and feel stronger from that weakness you had experienced. People are hurt about everything or just something in life. You can waste your energy on something that is of no interest to you.

When you make the important aspects part of your life other parts of your life become stronger and more positive. Think clearly and from a good perspective.

Everything happens to everyone at different times and in different places. You are sometimes discouraged, and you sometimes fail at what you try to succeed at.

Remember, you can always have what you want for yourself just be open-minded. The key is to be hopeful and be assured from within. It is you, who must create your future and when you do that your life will feel easier and less stressful.

Pressure doesn't have a hold on your chest. The light feeling allows for a greater and better experience.

Difficult moments in your life open for greater opportunities. The struggles you have increase and the best option is to face them and not to walk away from a problem.

You can fall into a trap in your mind and use your failures to be discouraged from negative experiences. Emotions shared openly allow for a smooth road to success.

When you choose to be happy and forget about what made you unhappy in your dreams can be followed with a clear mind. Often you lose touch with what is going on around you.

Deal with the important parts of your life and let go of what doesn't mean much to you. Every reaction to an event shows your strengths and weaknesses.

You rise every time you feel is a sign of a challenge that you can take on at any time.

People try more than once to succeed and those are the people who don't believe in giving up.

You don't know how brave you are until you are faced with that experience. The experiences bring out your smartness and surprise you with your intelligence.

The many tough times you have passed by make you the tough person you are always. Every challenge experienced becomes part of you. It makes no sense in you think you wished that didn't happen to you because you must meet up with that greater challenge.

The storm will pass, and you will see how capable you are in such situations. Each storm you face up to makes you that strong and happy person. Nothing in life will make you happy if you don't choose to be happy.

You have to show for yourself how you can get out of a rut. The full responsibility comes from you and, only you. Pain is felt, but with pain comes your strengths. The opportunities you have are limitless.

Start from now to make a better life. It is not easy to start over again, but you can make a better start for yourself if you put your mind to it.

The problems you experience are a guideline for your future. Whatever you do for success is a move to make a difference in your life.

Tragedies experienced are not to make the weak individual but to make you the stronger one. Look at traumatic experiences as another storm passes by you.

It doesn't mean you must forget about these experiences. Embrace your challenges and look at your happy life and the aftermath. Accept both the sun and the rain in your life.

You can't only have the sun; the rain must enter your life too. Greediness doesn't show the best in you. You can change the way you think about something that you don't like in your life.

Believe in what you do and don't be a quitter!

When you are happy with what you have, your great explorations will fall in place with what you want from life itself.

The light and the darkness affect you, so don't only focus on the light and forget about the darkness.

I Hope, you will always have, if you believe that your dream lost will have a new one to take its place.

The issues you have will be solved. What you want will come to you when you least expect it.

Do what you love doing and be happy with what you have, it is important to show that appreciation to yourself.

You create and invent but to yourself, you create a new life and a new beginning. Finding yourself is not all you need to do.

I have met many people and through our chats, I noticed how I made them feel and that they won't forget. That is a joy to see how people are when we meet for the first time.

You can't be the same every day and have the same attitude as everybody else. In life, you take what comes to you and try to challenge that experience.

Courage, kindness, and forgiveness play a huge part in your life.

You can smile and laugh to show your true happiness that doesn't mean you are perfect. By you are behaving in this manner it will show you are not looking at your imperfections but looking beyond that.

You often focus on the closed doors and forget to see the opened door to lighten up your path. Be energetic and positive through all times life will feel much easier.

You don't see the best when you focus on negativity; you see the best when you smile at your worst moments.

The person who doesn't show their smile, show them your smile to make them smile too.

Second chances are there it is up to you to take it and make a life again. Today you learn and move on and let go and let be.

Life is meaningful and precious to be yourself. Every moment is a special one.

However, you see your life and whatever you are planning, there are some events you can't prevent how much you try to get past that obstacle will happen to you.

Lighten up your day with a smile


Everything Happens for a Reason

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Devika Primić


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