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Beat the Flu

Updated on December 27, 2011

Foo Fighters? Not! flu fighters? Yes

Like it or not, Flu season is here!

Since both of the people who dwell under the same roof as myself are now sick, I thought an article on how to kill the flu is in order. Let's look at some things that can lead to it, some ways to shorten the duration, some ways to ease the symptoms, and some ways to avoid it all together, as unlikely as that sounds.

First, you must understand that the flu is nothing but an age old germ genre (germre.) Bird flues, swine flues, and just plain human flues have plagued mankind since we were smart enough to notice. a specimen or several reach the nostrils, mouth, eyes, or inner ear and start reproducing as soon as they find a receptive cell to reproduce in. They need strands of your DNA to make babies. Our immune systems keep them out with mucus, tears, ear wax and saliva. It doesn't always work though. This is part of cellular immunity. If they get to consummate with your cells, the humeral immune system has to go to work.

It is at this point we need to call the armed forces to defend the homeland. One of the things that make this difficult is that these germs release toxins in the body, slowing immune system voracity. Good luck at this point.

There are things you can do to help the army and I'm not talking about buying US war bonds. The first thing you can do right away because it costs very little is to drink lost of water. The body temperature rises, and dehydration can occur. Also toxins can be flushed better when water is in great quantity in the body. There are herbs you buy that work well with toxins as well. These are Goldenseal, Lobelia, Gentian, Dandelion, and Chaparral.

Goldenseal and Chaparral have anti-viral qualities as well. There's another plant you can use as well, and that is Garlic. It sounds cliche, but it became a cliche because it works on just about any flu. It will reduce the time it takes to heal and if taken at the onset, will reduce the severity of the illness. Keep that in mind. the powdered form, extract, or just eaten raw seems to work about the same. Eat about four cloves every four hours, you'll feel much better the next day.

Vitamins that can help are C, D, E, niacin, all the B vitamins and zinc. C causes an tiny inflamation nodule that traps the infected cells so the virus has trouble escaping, thus giving you white blood cells time to go in and zap them with hydrogen peroxide, or come in and eat them like the macro phages do. D can be taken in food form, in a capsule, or by soaking up some sun rays. Niacin opens up tiny blood vessels so that giant white blood cells can get in. Bi vitamins regulate the immune system so it doesn't overreact to smaller infected areas and can spead the army out proportionately. Zinc is good for the contruction of the cells.

Of course avoiding the flu altogether is the best medicine. Cleaning the eating, bathing and toilet surfaces can help. Talking sick family members into covering their mouths when they cough is good too. Another way of avoiding it is to stay away from large crowds. If I'm not paid to be there for work, I just don't go. Instead of a 5 minute bus ride, I ride a bike or drive.

I hope this helps. Thanks for reading.


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