Why Beetroot is a Super Food for Health and Beauty.
Beetroot is also known as:
- Mangel-wurzel.
- Sugar beet.
- Beet.
- Beta vulgaris.
- Common beet.
- Spinach beet.
- Sea beet.
- Whit beet.
- Garden beet.
- Leaf beet.
- Fodder beet.
- Table beet.
- Red beet.
Did you know?
That in ancient Greece beetroot was so highly regarded as a food source that it was offered to the Gods.
Just beet it.
The beetroot is a versatile kitchen ingredient that can be added to many dishes, whether you roast them, boil them or just utilize them raw.
It's unmistakable deep shade has even been imbedded into the english language, when someone is embarrassed we say they have gone as 'red as a beetroot'.
It is not often championed as a super food, but the beetroot has a lot to offer in terms of health and beauty benefits. It's definitely a food worth adding regularly to your shopping list and your diet.
It's been eaten for centuries by many civilizations and is still being served all over the world today.
A favourite kitchen staple for those who prefer natural alternatives and complimentary health, as well as those who like to eat healthily.
Herbalists have been using it for centuries to treat conditions of the blood, cleansing the digestive system, as a liver booster and an aid for strengthening the spleen.
As more scientific knowledge becomes available and more tests and research is done on the beetroot nutritionists and other medical experts alike agree that it is beneficial to health and is a good addition to a balanced diet.
The leaves can be used although they rarely are, which is a shame because they are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. They can be served boiled and are ideal for juicing raw or used as an ingredient for salads. It is worth noting however that they can be of harm or discomfort to individuals suffering from kidney stones or arthritic problems, this is because the green foliage growing from the top contains high levels of oxalic acid.
The vegetable itself tastes great roasted as well as a good key ingredient for soups. Don't panic if you find that you are passing pink fluids after eating beetroot as the intense red pigment betanin is so strong that it can make your urine change colour.
Vitamins minerals and nutritional values.
- Iron.
- Manganese.
- Potassium.
- Silica.
- Betacyanin.
- Fibre.
- Vitamin C.
- Folate.
- Copper.
- Magnesium.
- Phosphorus.
- Vitamin B3.
- Vitamin B6.
- Beta-carotene.
- Folic acid.
- Calcium.
- zinc.
- Betanin.
- Protein.
Clear and cleanse.
Beetroot contains anthocyanin which is a form of antioxidant, this helps guard the cells of the body against cancer and can enable the body to protect itself from heart disease. Elements that are contained within the vegetable encourages the body to supply oxygen to the cells, fuels helpful antibodies that warn off diseases, aids healthy circulation function and because it is a source of iron; white blood cells, red blood cells as well as phagocytes are also helped.
The kidney and liver are booth organs that promote the removal of unwanted or harmful products from the human anatomy, because of detoxifying compounds contained within beetroot, skin condition is improved too.
Its distinctive red/purple shade is down to a compound called betanin, not only does it dictate the pigment of this particular food source but there is also evidence that it has antioxidant powers. Beetroot can also keep you healthy and regular in the bowl and stomach area, it's a good source of fibre that is excellent for a smoothly running digestive system.
Did you know?
In 18th century France beetroot was particularly popular with chefs, it became one of the foods of the moment, being added to many culinary treats.
It's uses date back much further then that though, as well as being traced back to the times of the ancient Greeks it is believed to have initially been used by the Romans.
Detox and diet.
The silica contained within beetroot encourages healthy shiny hair, well functioning ligaments and youthful skin, helping you to look and feel at your best.
The presence of special enzymes that aid the detox process make it good for the speeding up and ease of expulsion of nasty toxins. Nitrates are detrimental chemicals commonly found in processed meats that contain preservatives which contribute to an increased risk of colon cancer. Scientific research shows that this can be combated by regularly treating your body to the juice contained within beetroot.
Not everyone is a fan of the way beetroots taste, as their flavour is as strong as their vibrancy, if this is the case why not try mixing it with sweet fruits, adding olive oil, balsamic vinegar or herbs and spices.
For centuries devout religious followers have been practicing fasting as a way of influencing their mental, physical and emotional state, we are becoming more aware of the advantages of fasting and detoxifying, according to recent reports brief stints of restricted calorie intake as well as a general reduction in portion size can actually contribute to improved long and short term health. An ideal time to eat or drink beetroot would be during a detox period or when dieting as it is low in calories and will help flush your system out, as well as feed the body with much needed nutrients.
lengthy amounts of time on a restricted diet can lead to health problems and fasting safely is not the same as starving yourself into illness. Before you embark on any change of diet or make any radical changes to your eating habits, it is advised that you consult your local Doctor or seek specialist advice tailored to your individual needs.
Typical dietary values for a single beetroot.
| 35
| ||
| 22%
| ||
| 9%
| ||
| 8%
| ||
Vitamin C
| 7%
| ||
| 5%
| ||
| 4%
| ||
| 3%
| ||
| 3%
| ||
Vitamin B6
| 3%
| ||
| 3%
| ||
| 3%
| ||
| 3%
| ||
| 2%
| ||
| 2%
| ||
| 2%
| ||
| 1%
| ||
| 1%
| ||
Vitamin A
| 1%
| ||
Panto Acid
| 1%
Improving health and maintaining a youthful appearance.
Interferon is an anti-cancer boosting compound that due to the manganese available in beetroot promotes its formation (the interferon, not the cancer).
A powerful tool for the regeneration of immune cells and an aid for lowering cholesterol levels as well as anti-carcinogenic qualities.
The silica found in beetroot has a plethora of health benefits including the strengthening of nails, tendons, hair and bones.
A friend to the gall bladder and intestines stimulating effective function.
Speeds up the bodies metabolic rate as well as aiding circulation.
Encourages weight loss by helping to maintain good digestion, encouraging natural processes and the absorption of food.
General health and beauty advantages in brief.
- Brain boosting qualities.
- Good for healthy hair.
- Helps teeth stay strong.
- Prevents brittle nails.
- Skin boosting qualities.
- Promotes healthy vision and helps the eyes.
- Heart and circulation is improved.
- Musculo-skeletal system is strengthened.
- Is an aid to the Immune system.
- Antioxidant properties help to combat cancer.
- Pro-youth cell renual elements.
- Low fat and good for a healthy diet.
- Low G.l.
- Low calorie, helping the waist line.
- Low kilojoule.
- Detoxifying compounds aids the bodies natural waste processes.
- Dairy free.
- Wheat free.
- Gluten free.
- Anti-viral.
What else do we know about beetroot?
A plant native to the south of Europe.
A derivative of the Beta maritima or sea beet as its most commonly known.
Grows wild in many coastal locations including Asia, England, Europe and North Africa.
The root contains gum starch and a fruit sugar that is pure and is made into refined sugar.
Eating it is believed by many natural remedy advocates to cure a headache, help with a well functioning liver, thought also to be good for a healthy spleen. As well as an aid to the digestive system.
Wine and beer can both be created out of beetroot.
Alternative therapists use it to make a healing decoction.
Part of the Chenopodiaceae family.
They are used as cattle feed.
It is occasionally cultivated within or under a glass.
Contains 88 per cent water, 10 per cent carbohydrate, plus smaller amounts of protein and fibre.
Rather surprisingly there is also traces of ash present, but don't be alarmed you can't taste it and it is completely safe to eat as the amount present is minute.
The majority of them are biennials.
Their stems produce flowers.
The greatest commercial value of the beetroot as a food commodity is pickled in vinegar and packaged in either cans, tins or jars.
Since the recession the number of people growing and preserving their own beetroot has risen in an attempt to save money on their grocery bills.