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Benefits of Eating Greek Yogurt and Reasons to Put in Your Diet

Updated on December 9, 2019
Stephanie Billon profile image

Stephanie Billon is a writer, enjoys being a mother, health & fitness pro, a promotional model & brand ambassador, and estate sales planner

Greek yogurt is made by straining out the extra whey in regular yogurt

Greek yogurt is strained through a cloth and loses the whey from the milk (also called “acid” whey because of its lower pH) is left over. Whey is a liquid that contains lactose, a natural sugar found in milk. The whey can be sold to farmers to add to livestock feed, and can also be used as fertilizer and even turned into electricity.

Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier than regular yogurt and sometimes requires getting used to when you have been eating regular yogurt your entire life. This change in your diet is important if you want the added benefits. Here are the reasons to what makes Greek yogurt the healthiest choice.


Greek Yogurt Keeps Your Appetite Satisfied

Greek yogurt is protein-rich which reduces hunger in most people. An average regular yogurt compared to Greek kind is unbelievable. Greek contains at least twice the amount of protein than regular yogurt.

Greek Yogurt is Rich in Protein

Protein is of the three nutrients that provide energy. It also transfers substances, such as oxygen, across cell membranes. Protein is needed for every cell in the body. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. After training muscles when working out, the muscle tissue needs to regenerate and repair. Greek yogurt is rich in the amino acids which make up the proteins which are there to repair the muscle tissues.

Greek Yogurt is Great for our Bone Health

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, more than found in regular yogurt. This abundance of calcium gives us stronger bones and better physical fitness and helps maintain our bone health. Calcium is the key to building strong muscles and helping your vital organs function. Your body also doesn’t produce calcium on its own. Keeping Greek yogurt in your diet will improve your overall health.

Greek Yogurt is Good for Our Overall Physical Fitness

According to Spectrum Health Beat, a study tracking more than 4,300 adults ages 60 and older found that people who ate yogurt daily, experienced a 3 to 4 percent increase in bone mineral density and were significantly less likely to develop osteoporosis. They also performed better on basic fitness tests that are key to independent living, such as getting up and down from chairs, walking, and preparing meals in the kitchen.


Greek yogurt does wonders for our bone health

Greek yogurt is shown with a little bit of granola and berries on top.

A serving of Greek yogurt can maintain its healthy profile by adding natural sweeteners, such as honey and berries. (For Spectrum Health Beat)

Eating yogurt likely leads to stronger bones and better physical fitness.

A new study tracking more than 4,300 adults ages 60 and older found that people who ate yogurt daily experienced a 3 to 4 percent increase in bone mineral density


Greek Yogurt is Rich in Probiotics

Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics, which are live microorganisms. These bacteria help our digestive system to function properly. Probiotics also helps prevent diseases and boosts our immune system. They also reduce side effects of antibiotic treatments, explains the California Dairy Research Foundation.

Greek yogurt boosts your metabolism

Research suggests that having a high protein diet may increase the number of calories a person burns a day.

Eating Greek yogurt, as part of a balanced diet that includes enough protein, fibrous carbs and healthful fats may aid weight loss and boost metabolism.


Greek Yogurt is Good for Your Mental Health

I’m A 2016 study showed that workers who ate 100 grams of probiotic yogurt a day or took a daily probiotic capsule experienced less stress, depression, and anxiety than those who did not.

According to Medical News Today, researchers found that the friendly bacteria called Lactobacillus, is the friendly bacteria that our body needs, is found in live-cultured yogurt. This bacteria also reversed depressive-like behavior in mice by altering their gut microbiome, these are the microorganisms that reside in the intestines. The study authors - from the University of Virginia School of Medicine - believe it is possible that the probiotic could do the same for humans.

Greek Yogurt is Good for Vegetarians

Get your B-12 here

Your body needs vitamin B-12 for red blood cells to form, brain functions, and DNA synthesis. One serving of Greek yogurt can have up to 21.3 percent of your daily value.

People who are who don’t eat meat, vegetarians, usually lack vitamin B-12 because the vitamin is naturally found in animal products, such as fish, meat, and eggs. Greek yogurt is an excellent, meat-free way to add more to your meal.


Butler, N., RD, LD. (2016). Health Benefits of a Greek Yogurt. From

Olsen, N., R.D., L.D., ASCM, EP-C. (2018). Is Greek Yogurt Good for You.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Stephanie Billon


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