Benefits of Meditation: Awakening Awareness
What is meditation?
Many people think that meditation is a state of thoughtfulness. This is not so. Meditation is the state opposite to thoughtfulness. Not everyone can control their thoughts. Not everyone can manage their thoughts. As a rule, when paying attention to your state of mind you can notice a continuous inner dialogue taking place inside. Meditation is a way to liberate your mind from the annoying noise of your thoughts. Meditation is inner silence, thoughtless state of mind.
Meditation as healing practice
To fortify your self-realization, you need to meditate daily. It is better if you meditate two times a day during 15 minutes: in the morning when you have got up, taken a shower and drunk some tea, and in the evening, before going to sleep.
To improve the healing effect of your meditation you can do a foot-soak. Fill a basin with cool water and put two spoons of salt in it. The element of water and the element of earth (salt) will cleanse your energy field from negativity. When it is hot, you can fill your basin with colder water to cool your right channel. When you have flu or a running nose fill your basin with warm water to heat your left channel. You can also burn a candle.
Daily meditation will improve your sleep, contribute to better concentration, and make you recover quickly, reduce stress, and improve productivity, especially if you practice it regularly. Your mind will become clearer, more creative; your thoughts will be better ordered. Also meditation will help you in your relationships with other people. Sometimes meditation can help cure some illnesses.
How to meditate
Some people would think: "What is the use of this practice if you just do nothing but sit? What result can it bring?" Meditation is not for everyone, because some people just don't need it. And it's normal. If you don't feel like meditating, then maybe it's not your cup of tea.
Then, many people would feel some resistance when they begin to meditate. This resistance is related to the necessity to think or to do something. But when you meditate, you do not think about anything, you do not do anything. The energy does everything for you. Your Kundalini energy works just the same way as that of the Earth or the Universe. It is this energy that opens flowers' petals in the morning. What do you do during meditation? Do you meditate? No, you sit in meditation. Sit comfortably. Uncross your legs and arms. Let your attention stay over your head. It is the seventh chakra, the seventh center which takes care of silence inside us. Close or half-close your eyes. Do not think about your future or your past. Stay in the present moment. If any thoughts occur to you, let them pass. Observe them like clouds. They will leave you soon. Be like a flower or a tree. Be like Buddha. Relax and breathe lightly and naturally. But your breath should be deep. Feel your abdomen move when you breathe. Before meditation you can breathe in and out deeply several times. The most important thing is the absence of any tension or effort. But during meditation you must stay alert and aware. Otherwise, you will fall asleep.
It is very beneficial to meditate on the ground. Mother Earth fills you with its energy and regenerates you.
Do you need to listen to the music during meditation? It is not necessary, but you can do so. This can be any relaxing music or it can be special music for meditation. For example, it can be an Indian raga. Ragas make you feel the time flow in a different way. They sort of let you feel the moment of "now."
Meditation as spiritual practice
Meditation can become a spiritual practice. You cannot be taught to meditate; you can only learn to do so. A true spiritual teacher can only guide you towards what you have in you already. There is a special dimension inside all of us. You cannot conceptualize it; you can only feel it, enter it. Meditation is an experience. Love does exist. It is truly so. If you say there is no love, then for you it is true. But then you have never been in meditation. You have never been in love. In meditation you get in touch with the source of Universal love. But you cannot describe it with words, just like any true experience. Meditation is beyond thoughts and words.
In meditation we realize that we are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions. We are even not our body nor are we the roles that we play. In meditation we recognize ourselves and learn who we truly are. We are the being, the present, the presence, we are.
Have you ever practised meditation?
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