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Best Workouts to Lose Weight Fast

Updated on October 5, 2018
jaypar7 profile image

I'm an avid gym goer who believes good health and fitness can improve every aspect of your life.

Beware Of The 5 Minute Scams

Research has shown that the best workout to lose weight fast is a workout that keeps your heart rate elevated at a higher rate for an extended period of time. People have been misled for years by gadgets that claim to lose belly fat without actually exerting yourself. Getting fit is not always easy but if you are dedicated and determined a good workout program can help you lose weight and improve all areas of our lives.

Steady Results

The bottom line is how many calories can you burn in your workout and how steady and committed are you going to be to accomplish your goals. It feels great when you get a perfect workout in but if you only do it once a week you will have slow or no results. If your looking for the best workout to lose weight fast it should keep you motivated to get the job done quickly so you can move on with your life.

Cardio Options

There are many ways you can increase your heart rate, some of the most common ways to lose weight are bike riding, walking, and jogging. Lets say for example you are a 35 year old male and you ride a bike for 30 minutes at a heart rate of 130 beats per minute. According to the chart you would have burned 360 calories in that 30 minutes. No doubt about it these are great ways to lose weight but I can show you a better faster way to keep your heart pumping at a higher rate and for a longer period of time, which means more fat burning power and a faster metabolism.

Muscle Building Workouts

The most common weight training workouts allow 1 to 2 minutes rest between sets to help your muscles recover which is great for strength training and building a strong body but the downside is your heart rate is plummeting as you rest and you are not burning those calories between sets. If your goal is to lose weight you need to keep your heart rate elevated at a higher rate for an extended period of time.

Weight Loss Tool

One important thing I have learned from my experience is a heart rate monitor will not tell you your doing a great job if your not. A heart rate monitor will never lie to you. This is a great gauge if your goal is to lose weight. Bottom line is if you know what your heart rate is throughout your workout you will be able to calculate how many calories you have burned, and if your heart rate is to low you know you need to push harder to meet your goals.

Cardio Leg Fatigue

The truth is that most cardio workouts such as running or bike riding involve the leg muscles as the primary source of energy which can cause your legs to become fatigued which will bring your heart rate down and cause you to burn less calories per minute. This type of cardio exercise can also make time drag on forever and a simple 30 minute workout will feel like an hour and a half.

Fat Burning Test

Why not incorporate all the muscles in the body in a full body workout or use a 3 day split to accomplish your fat burning goals and get ripped fast with a circuit training workout. I decided to put this theory to the test so I strapped a heart rate monitor to my chest and rode 30 minutes at a fairly high level, I would say it was an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. The results were a heart rate of 127 averaged throughout the entire 30 minutes.

Circuit Training = Results

My next workout was a chest- back-abs circuit training workout with no rest between sets. I did ride a stationary bike for 4 minutes between circuits and my workout lasted for a full hour. The results were amazing. My heart rate average was 158. I felt like I went through a 12 round fight but the time goes by a lot faster because you are constantly moving to different exercises and using different muscles.

Bike Riding Vs. Circuit Training

Bike Riding
Circuit Training
Heart Beats Per Minute
Length Of Workout
30 Min.
60 Min.
Calories Burned

Circuit Training Spreads The Workload

This type of workout really does spread the workload out to different areas of the body giving you a total body workout. Once you have worked your chest to the point of exhaustion you work your back until your back is completely drained then you move to abs. When you're done with the circuit you can move quickly to some cardio exercises such as stationary bike for a few minutes to let your chest and back recover while your heart rate is working like crazy burning calories throughout each stage of your training. This really does give you the best of both worlds in a muscle building fat burning workout that will turn up your bodies metabolism and help you burn more calories than you ever have with any cardio workout you've done before.

5 Best Exercises That Burn Fat

When it comes to Circuit Training these are the 5 best exercises that burn fat and crank up your heart rate because they are compound movements which involve big and small muscles, these type of exercises takes way more energy to move and stabilize your body. If your goal is to lose weight and burn fat you will want these exercises in your workouts.

  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Bench Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Bent Over Row

Proper Squat Technique

This Is The Proper Way To Perform The Deadlift

Safe Technique For Bent Over Rows

Watch Your Back

Safe and proper technique is always very important when it comes to all of these exercises but it is very important to have great form especially with Squats, Dead Lifts and Bent Over Rows. You can cause serious damage to your lower back with improper techniques. It's also a good idea to use a good weightlifting belt when performing these exercises.

Great Workout To Do At Home

The only drawback to circuit training is it's not the type of workout you can do at a crowded gym. It's not reasonable to go from machine to machine or line up all your dumbbells and barbells and expect to move around without any interruptions. If you are looking for the best workout to lose weight you need to keep your heart rate elevated which means you need to stay in a constant state of motion, that's why circuit training is a great workout to do at home.

Which type of cardio workout do you perform most often?

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